Sep 11, 2018 — Promos
Find out how we've streamlined the rules for distributing leftover promotional materials.
Sep 11, 2018 — Promos
Find out how we've streamlined the rules for distributing leftover promotional materials.
Effective immediately, we're fine-tuning a change we made to the Buy-a-Box promotion policy and extending that policy to all WPN promotion materials:
For example, the Draft Weekend promo for Hour of Devastation is Ramunap Excavator. Once Ixalan launches on September 29, you may issue those promos to improve in-store play experiences, at your discretion.
Beginning with Ixalan, promo cards will include a set symbol. Once Rivals of Ixalan launches on January 19, any card with an Ixalan symbol may be issued to reward in-store play as you see fit.
This change applies to all promotional materials, from Friday Night Magic promos to Store Championship playmats to Standard Showdown boosters.
First, do whatever you can to use promos for their intended purpose, within their intended window.
When leftovers are unavoidable, we recommend using them as extra rewards for new players, returning players from previous weeks, and players who brought a friend.
If you have additional questions about the new policy, please contact Retail Support.