Mar 3, 2016
Here's 3 low-cost ways to upgrade . . .
Mar 3, 2016
Here's 3 low-cost ways to upgrade . . .
Maybe you prefer putting your resources into Facebook. Maybe you think ecommerce isn't worth the effort. Maybe you say keeping up your site is too time-consuming or too intimidating.
That's fair. But before you let your website languish, consider this:
Up-to-date websites—with no broken links or outmoded graphics like Flash, and with the capability to dynamically adapt to mobile devices—perform better in online searches.
And the better your site performs in a search, the more likely a customer is to find it.
Those aren't just customers looking to buy online. Nearly 70% of today's shoppers browse online but buy offline.
A professional website is simply part of today's path to purchase, and a little simple upkeep on your site can help make sure that path ends in your store.
High-quality photos of your store, new product information, and a well-maintained event calendar could make all the difference.
Games of Berkeley's website features a visual tour of the store with photos and information.
But the most important update you can make is this:
Most online searches happen on mobile devices.
Last April, Google pushed mobile-friendliness higher up their list of ranking signals (the criteria that determine how close to the top of a search you show up), which naturally pushes newer websites way up the list in search results.
On a desktop, an outdated website could knock you out of the first page of search results.
But on a mobile device, an outdated website could knock you out of the search results entirely.
There are a zillion website building services out there that require virtually no tech savvy.
Here are just three:
1. Shopify
Games of Berkeley's site is a great example of what Shopify can do. Check out pricing here.
2. Squarespace
Consensus is that Squarespace's main draw is aesthetics, plus it adapts well to different devices.
3. Wix
Wix is the highest rated service according to PCMag.com. Click here for pricing.
None of these services are prohibitively costly, complicated, or time-consuming. So if you still don't think it's worth it to update your website, don't let it be for one of those reasons!