Nov 26, 2014
The color of your signage matters more than you think.
Nov 26, 2014
The color of your signage matters more than you think.
Research suggests that color preferences depend on personal and cultural factors—contrary to popular belief, specific colors don’t cause specific responses.
So if color preference is arbitrary, does it matter how you choose the color of your signage?
It matters enormously.
According to retail design consultant Linda Cahan, it all comes down to the "four C's:" Contrast, Consistency, Clarity, and Concision.
Check out how Meeples Games puts all four to use.
1. Contrast
The orange signage grabs attention, but not because orange has some magical attention-grabbing property. It’s all about the contrast.
Contrast guides the customer's attention to where you want it, and keeps it there even after they leave.
Psychologists call it "The Isolation Effect." Colors that stand out will also stand out in your memory.
2. Consistency
According to a 2007 study at the University of Loyola, Maryland, color consistency can build brand recognition by 80%.
3. Clarity
The same tags that advertise Meeples's products also advertise their events, delivering a clear call to action.
4. Conciseness
Meeples focuses on what's necessary to get their message across and nothing more.
Magic: The Gathering—Commander (2014 Edition) and Magic: The Gathering—Holiday Gift Box are available now, so use some color-smart signage to promote them today!