2023.02.27 — 언피니티, 이벤트

Get Infinite Laughs with the Acorns in April Sealed Event!

Take advantage of a special offer to bring Unsanctioned and Unfinity together for a fun and unusual event this April.

2023.02.27 — 언피니티, 이벤트

Get Infinite Laughs with the Acorns in April Sealed Event!

Take advantage of a special offer to bring Unsanctioned and Unfinity together for a fun and unusual event this April.

On the weekend of March 31 – April 2, we're introducing a surprise pop-up event you can host with your players: Acorns in April! This event is slated to bring the crazy, unexpected fun of Un-sets back to the spotlight on one of the silliest weekends of the year.

Stores in the U.S. and Canada will be able to schedule this event using Unfinity Draft Boosters, plus a throwback to the 2020 Un-set, Unsanctioned. Depending on your community size, you'll have the opportunity to receive between two and five boxes of Unsanctioned at no cost to you.

Talk with your distributor in early March to get your copies added to another order for your store. You might use this opportunity to stock up on Unfinity Draft Boosters for the event, or extra Unfinity Collector Boosters to tip the scale on your prize offerings.

Inside each box of Unsanctioned is the following:

  • Five 30-card mono-colored decks
  • Two 6-sided dice
  • 10 double-sided tokens
  • Five full-art basic lands
  • Five foil full-art basic lands
  • 1 reusable storage box

Both Unfinity and Unsanctioned are only available in English. The additional components of your Unsanctioned box can be used for additional prizing at your Acorns in April event.

Use this event opportunity to give your community another chance to experience the unexpected zaniness that Un-sets have to offer, or introduce newer players in your community to one of the most hilarious ways to play Magic.

How to Run Your Acorns in April Event

For this Un-Sealed event, provide each player with one randomly selected mono-colored Unsanctioned deck and three Unfinity Draft Boosters. If you run out of Unsanctioned decks, we encourage you to give players 6 Unfinity Draft Boosters to start with. Using this unusual pool of cards, your players will create a 40-card deck and unleash chaos upon their opponents!

Event participants will receive a Magic: The Gathering Arena Cosmetic in their in-game inboxes one week after participating, so be sure to have all your players sign up using their Wizards accounts!

MTG Arena Cosmetic

You may use a number of materials for additional prizing at this event, whether that's Unfinity Collector Boosters, unused Unsanctioned decks, or any of the other components of your free-of-charge copies of Unsanctioned such as the dice, full-art lands, tokens, and storage box. Any additional prizing you have available will help make this a truly out of this world event.

Step right up to Wizards EventLink and get your Acorns in April Event scheduled today!

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