2024.03.19 — 소식

Run Drafts, Secure a Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Deck Allocation

Stores that run four Booster Draft events between April 19 and May 19 will be guaranteed an allocation of four Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Decks available through their preferred distributor.

2024.03.19 — 소식

Run Drafts, Secure a Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Deck Allocation

Stores that run four Booster Draft events between April 19 and May 19 will be guaranteed an allocation of four Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Decks available through their preferred distributor.

Editor's note: this article has been updated to reflect the appropriate date to make changes to your preferred distributor for this allocation. The previous date, May 19, was incorrect. With any questions, reach out to Retail Support.

There's a new promotion on the horizon to spur in-store play. From April 19 to May 19, WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada who run and report four or more Outlaws of Thunder Junction Draft or Sealed events will receive a guaranteed minimum allocation of four of the Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Decks (one of each deck).

As usual, your allocation will be provided through your preferred distributor—you may change that distributor by contacting Retail Support before March 22.

In order to qualify for this promotion, please keep in mind the following:

  • Each event must have at least 8 participants.
  • Your events must be reported through Wizards EventLink by May 19.
  • Your participants are not required to sign up for the event using their Wizards Account, but we strongly suggest you encourage players to do so when possible.

Additionally, this promotion is a test: depending on how it goes, in tandem with your feedback, it may be repeated or expanded upon.

With the promotional period starting alongside Outlaws of Thunder Junction release, we hope this gives your store an additional boost for running in-store play events at the start of the season. You may consider putting your Modern Horizons 3 Collector Commander Decks aside for the winners of your Draft or Sealed events, if you prefer.

Running regular play events in-store, starting at Prerelease, is one of the best ways to build up your Magic community. To interested players, your store can become their go-to place to hang out and enjoy a few rounds of play with other local Magic fans—that may become new friends!

There are numerous ways you can reward repeat play to encourage players to continue visiting your store—and you'll want to be sure you report all of it in Wizards EventLink.

Reporting play happening in-store—even casual play that happens outside of your structured events—helps you meet and maintain your Play Metrics: as your community grows, your metrics can grow alongside, leading to even more promo packs to reward your community with.

Make sure you have a full slate of Outlaws of Thunder Junction events on the calendar so players can find you and return to your store over and over throughout the season!

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