2 out 2023 — Jogo em loja, Eventos, Midnight Hunt, Crimson Vow

Invite One and All to the Harvesttide Festival!

The Harvesttide Festival draws near: get yours on the books and start advertising ahead of October 27 – 29.

2 out 2023 — Jogo em loja, Eventos, Midnight Hunt, Crimson Vow

Invite One and All to the Harvesttide Festival!

The Harvesttide Festival draws near: get yours on the books and start advertising ahead of October 27 – 29.

Later this month, your community will revisit a classic Halloween-themed showdown between Vampires, Werewolves, and Humans at the Harvesttide Festival! Combine the haunting themes from the plane of Innistrad with games of Two-Headed Giant to determine which of the three groups will win the night.

The Harvesttide Festival runs from October 27 – 29; schedule yours today and use the details below to plan for the big event.

How to Run the Harvesttide Festival

Harvesttide Festival Event Structure

At the Harvesttide Festival event, players will pair up and be assigned to one of three teams: Vampires, Werewolves, or Humans. Each pair of players will receive four Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft Boosters and four Innistrad: Crimson Vow Draft Boosters, plus one Collector Booster from either set.

Once players have their boosters, pairs will crack open the packs and build two 40-card decks from the entire Sealed pool. Then, they'll face off against other pairs in Two-Headed Giant games. The event will take place over approximately three hours, and during the event, players will mark off wins and losses on a match card to be turned into the event organizer at the end of the event.

Harvesttide Festival dance match card

Once wins and losses are tallied, the team with the most wins will earn additional prizes, such as additional Collector Boosters.

Harvesttide Festival Prize Support

To help support you run the event, every WPN store will receive one box of either Innistrad: Crimson Vow or Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Collector Boosters from your distributor at random. WPN Premium stores who achieved their designation before September 8 will receive one box of Innistrad: Crimson Vow Collector Boosters and one box of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Collector Boosters from your distributor.

Promotional Collector Boosters you receive that are not used as part of players' Sealed pools for the event must be distributed as prizes for the event. To support even more players at your store, order additional Collector Boosters through your distributor to use for prize support.

Make It Memorable with Décor

If your community is invested in the spooky season spirit, you can make plans to decorate your store for the big event. You may take inspiration from other stores' Innistrad-inspired store décor for the Innistrad: Crimson Vow Prerelease event.

Making your event even more unique with decorations or themed snacks at your store can be a fun way to create a memorable experience for your players. In the long run, you might even find some of them return to your store again later because of the wonderful memories they made—they may even bring along more friends.

If you haven't yet, time is running out for you to schedule your Harvesttide Festival event. Go to Wizards EventLink and get your event on the books to start advertising the spook-tacular event to your community!

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