4 mar 2024 — Jogo em loja, Dungeons & Dragons

Kick Off Dungeons & Dragons' 50th Anniversary with the D&D Anniversary Play Series!

Learn about the first of a series of D&D in-store play events using the Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth adventure.

4 mar 2024 — Jogo em loja, Dungeons & Dragons

Kick Off Dungeons & Dragons' 50th Anniversary with the D&D Anniversary Play Series!

Learn about the first of a series of D&D in-store play events using the Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth adventure.

This year, Dungeons & Dragons® celebrates a momentous 50th anniversary; for 50 years, players have been coming together, rolling dice, and telling incredible collaborative stories. They've had memorable moments and built tight-knit communities.

We are excited to give you more opportunities for your D&D community to gather and play at your store with D&D 50th anniversary play series events! The first of these events begins on March 29, and runs through April 29, focusing around the adventure Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.

About the D&D 50th Anniversary Play Series

The Dungeons & Dragons 50th anniversary play series will run all year, in celebration of 50 years of the world's greatest tabletop roleplaying game. We'll have events available for you to run in-store to help bring seasoned dungeon crawlers and brand-new adventurers to the tables at your game store.

We encourage you to pair these events with an in-store repeat play reward program, if you have one for your store. Guide players back into your tables at a regular cadence and steadily help them build a community of peers to geek out about D&D with!

About Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is our kick-off event in the D&D 50th anniversary play series, showcasing an update to the classic adventure that takes about 4 hours to complete. It's adapted from a larger adventure appearing in an adventure anthology, Quests from the Infinite Staircase, hitting shelves this summer.

The adventure offers two different play modes: standard and tournament. Standard is what many newer enthusiasts may expect from a 5e adventure, whereas tournament mode harkens back to old-school play, with a scoring checklist at the end of the adventure for Dungeon Masters to use to track the group's activities throughout the event!

Preparing to Run Your First D&D Play Series Event

Here are some additional details to consider when preparing for your event:

  • We encourage you to have players sign up for your event with their existing Wizards Account. If they don't have one, encourage them to create one.
  • You may consider running separate events for tournament mode or standard mode, depending on your community's preferences; however, you may also run one event and allow each table to choose their game mode individually.
  • For tables running tournament mode, consider whether you want to offer any prizes, or showcase winning players from each campaign on a leaderboard in-store.
  • If you're running tournament mode, start a timer at the beginning of the event and have each Dungeon Master calculate player scores when the timer runs out.
  • Be clear about whether players are allowed to bring their own 9th-level characters for the event, or whether character sheets will be provided day-of.
  • We recommend you recruit Dungeon Masters at least one week prior to your event's start date.
  • D&D Beyond account holders can redeem this adventure on D&D Beyond starting March 26; if you recruit your Dungeon Masters prior to March 26, inform them that the adventure can be claimed beginning March 26.

Why use Wizards EventLink? While D&D events do not impact your WPN Play Metrics as Magic events do, reporting your attendees allows us to measure the success of these programs which may enable us to return to them in the future.

Advertise Your Event with Marketing Materials

Once your D&D play series event is scheduled, the next thing to do is drum up some excitement from your community. Visit our marketing materials page to download ready-to-post social media images.

Share your event details early and often, as players will appreciate having the additional time to work your store's event into their calendar. Plus, starting your advertising efforts early may make it easier for you to recruit Dungeon Masters to help run the adventure for players.

Get your community ready to celebrate Dungeons & Dragons® and schedule this event on Wizards EventLink right away!

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