
Dungeons & Dragons Titles Available Through Wizards of the Coast Distributors

Effective January 1, 2024, Penguin Random House LLC is ceasing distribution of Dungeons & Dragons titles from Wizards of the Coast.


Dungeons & Dragons Titles Available Through Wizards of the Coast Distributors

Effective January 1, 2024, Penguin Random House LLC is ceasing distribution of Dungeons & Dragons titles from Wizards of the Coast.

Effective January 1, 2024, Penguin Random House LLC is ceasing distribution of Dungeons & Dragons titles from Wizards of the Coast. Moving forward, your store will be able to order Dungeons & Dragons titles directly from one of our approved distributors.

To place an order for your store, simply visit our Distributors page and select your preferred distributor and use the provided contact information to give them a call.

For any questions concerning your current distribution through Penguin Random House, please contact your Penguin Random House rep or Penguin Random House Customer Service. For questions regarding distribution of Dungeons & Dragons titles beginning January 1st, 2024, please reach out to our distributors.


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