
Growing Prerelease for EMEA Stores

Stores in the EMEA region can work directly with distributors to define the quantity of Prerelease Packs you can order beyond your baseline allocation.


Growing Prerelease for EMEA Stores

Stores in the EMEA region can work directly with distributors to define the quantity of Prerelease Packs you can order beyond your baseline allocation.

Starting with Phyrexia: All Will Be One, WPN stores in EMEA will no longer be restricted to a growth allocation for Prerelease Packs. You will still be guaranteed your baseline allocation and associated prize support, but there is no longer a Wizards of the Coast-determined upper limit to how many growth Prerelease Packs you can order. Please reach out to your preferred distributor to inquire about Prerelease Pack availability beyond your baseline allocation.

Your Baseline Prerelease Pack allocation and Set Booster prize support will not be affected by this change. Future allocations will look at your total Prerelease event tickets when determining your Baseline Prerelease Pack allocation. This policy is exclusive to the EMEA region and does not apply to other Wizards Play Network stores in other regions.

This change carries forward the momentum of the recent additions to the Prerelease Early Sale Promotion, allowing you to continue to grow Prerelease in your store!

What is Baseline vs. Growth?

Your baseline allocation refers to the number of Prerelease Packs your store is allocated, determined by previously reported Prerelease events. This amount aims to cover the attendance size you have demonstrated you can support. For each case of Prerelease Packs you order from your baseline allocation, your distributor will send you a Set Booster Display for prize support.

Growth allocation refers to extra Prerelease Packs that can be used to support additional players beyond your baseline. If your store’s event attendance is growing, you may consider ordering extra Prerelease Packs to support that growth. Unlike your baseline allocation, prize support is not provided with your Growth allocation: if you want to order a Set Booster Display of prize support to supplement each case of Prerelease Packs you order, you may do so through your distributor.

We are thrilled to offer this opportunity to our WPN stores in the EMEA region. As Phyrexia: All Will Be One draws near, contact your preferred distributor about ordering Growth Prerelease Packs for your store.


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