2024-01-25 — 消息

Murders at Karlov Manor Bundle Delay in U.S. & Canada

Due to a logistical issue, the Murders at Karlov Manor Bundle will have limited availability at Prerelease.

2024-01-25 — 消息

Murders at Karlov Manor Bundle Delay in U.S. & Canada

Due to a logistical issue, the Murders at Karlov Manor Bundle will have limited availability at Prerelease.

Due to a logistical issue, the Murders at Karlov Manor Bundle will have limited availability during Prerelease weekend in the U.S. and Canada. While some stores may receive their full or partial launch order of Bundles in time for Prerelease, some may not receive their full order until the following week or later.

We appreciate your continued understanding as our team works to mitigate these issues whenever we can. We hope your community still has a wonderful Murders at Karlov Manor Prerelease weekend.

With any questions regarding your shipment, please reach out to your distributor directly.


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