2023-05-02 — 賽事, 器械進擊

The Omenpaths Have Opened—It's Time for Commander Clash: March of the Machine!

Make the most of a special offer and bring players to your store for multiverse madness with Commander Clash: March of the Machine.

2023-05-02 — 賽事, 器械進擊

The Omenpaths Have Opened—It's Time for Commander Clash: March of the Machine!

Make the most of a special offer and bring players to your store for multiverse madness with Commander Clash: March of the Machine.

The past year of Magic's story was an epic saga, culminating in a triumph over the Phyrexian threat in a battle that spanned the entire multiverse. As a result, a new connection has been made between the planes: the Omenpaths. With the Omenpaths opened, new and strange opportunities are rising across the multiverse for cross-planar chaos—and so the Commander Clash: March of the Machine event was born.

How to Run Commander Clash

Commander Clash is a new event offering to WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada, which can be scheduled from June 2 – 4. For this event, invite players into your store to buy a preconstructed Commander Deck from your stock and play a game of Commander in a pod of four.

Commander Clash: March of the Machine is the perfect fit for your Commander community and for players new to the format. Commander Decks are designed to play right out of the box, giving you the unique opportunity to introduce new players to the most popular Magic format.

Commander Clash: March of the Machine Prize Support

Get in touch with your distributor in the coming weeks and place an order of Commander Decks; alongside your order, you'll receive five promotional Strixhaven Commander Decks at no cost to you to be used as prize support during your Commander Clash event.

When distributing the Strixhaven Commander Decks as prize support, please award one full deck as the prize to the participating players of your choice. How you distribute each of the five decks is up to you; depending on the size of your event, you may consider supplementing it with additional prize offerings, such as other Commander Decks you still have in stock. We recommend using about one Commander Deck of prize support per Commander pod.

Keep the Commander Clash event page handy as you get your plans together, then open Wizards EventLink to schedule your store's chaotic Commander Clash event!



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