Unfinity Draft Weekend

Unfinity Draft Weekend

Metrics Information

At this time, metrics count for all regions.

As a reminder, we are extending the WPN play metric snapshot grace period to February 18, 2023 in all regions except for Latin America, where the grace period has been extended to May 23, 2023. Until the end of the grace period, promo and product allocations will be based on live metrics or the Q1 2020 metric snapshot, whichever is higher. All events reported through Wizards EventLink, including Webcam and At-Home events, will count towards play metrics: Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players.

About Unfinity Draft Weekend

Unfinity Draft Weekend is a way for your community to come together and celebrate the out-of-this-world sci-fi carnival. Unfinity is a hilarious take on Magic: The Gathering that puts smiles on players' faces from the zany interactions and infinite possibilities with every card.


Eligible United States WPN Premium stores can run multiple events between October 28–30; be sure to use the Unfinity Draft Weekend scheduling template.

Rules Enforcement Level:

Casual Only

Pairing Method:

Player-List Only or Swiss (with a cut to top-8 if event has 17+ players)

Promo Support:

  • 30 Participation promos: Richard Garfield, Ph.D.

Additional Details:

  • You do not have to cap your event based on how many participation promos you receive; participation promos should be provided first come, first served in order of event registration.

  • As always, you are welcome to add additional prizes to the event at your discretion.

  • If your event does not launch or you have extra participation promos the surplus promo policy will apply.

Product Highlight

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