WPN Promo Usage and Policies

WPN Promo Usage and Policies

Promo Packs
WPN members are sent a quantity of Promo Packs based on their play metrics with each Standard set release. Providing Promo Packs to players sealed is recommended, but you may choose to open them and provide the cards individually for qualifying applications if you choose. You can find the contents of the current season’s Promo Packs here.
You may use Promo Packs to:
- Support your Magic: The Gathering events as preregistration incentive, participation incentive, or prizing
- Reward players who bring a new player or customers to your store (along with Bring-a-Friend promo)
- Reward players that mentor or teach a new player (along with Bring-a-Friend promo)
- Reward new players for completing a Magic demo (along with Welcome Booster)
- Reward Wizards Account or Magic: The Gathering Companion App adoption
You may not use Promo Packs:
- As sales incentives
- Before the official Prerelease date of the associated set
- To promote other games

Surplus Promo Policy
Unless otherwise stated, you are free to use surplus promos as you would Promo Packs once the next Standard set has been released. Surplus Promos cannot be used for Premier Play events.
If you have any questions about promo usage not covered here, please contact Retail Support.