
Merate, Italy
Achieved WPN Premium August 2, 2019
"Our WPN Premium status is something we hold dear, as it fills us with pride and gives us the opportunity to offer our customers the best possible Magic experience including previews, exclusives, qualifying events and much more! Our Magic community is made up of all kinds: young and old, veterans and novices, professionals and families! We are proud to have created an environment that our customers find welcoming and enjoy spending time. We are thankful to the WPN Premium program for providing advice for improving the aesthetics and layout of our shop."
- Matteo Corti, Owner

Nostos Boutique
Ipswich, MA
Achieved WPN Premium February 21, 2020
"'Nostos' means 'homecoming' so I want everyone who comes into my shop to feel that sense of home. I designed my shop to be a bright, warm, clean, inviting space you want to spend time in. My shop has lots of windows and natural light, with a beautiful view of the Ipswich River from every seat in my play space! Submitting my shop for the WPN Premium process was daunting because it can be challenging to hear what things aren’t working when you have poured so much into your business but every change the committee and my WPN Business Development Specialist recommended had a purpose and elevated my shop and made it better. Now that I have achieved WPN Premium I can see how each change the committee recommended, whether big or small, has made a positive impact!"
- Krisy Viola, Owner

Amazing Discoveries
Tuscon, AZ
Achieved WPN Premium July 1, 2021
"WPN Premium has benefited the business by elevating the hobby gaming community in Tucson. Our players know when they come in, they'll have a positive, welcoming experience and colorful space to play. It's been an investment for the future. I'm most proud of our mural, a marriage of Sonoran desert meets fantasy, which is where Amazing Discoveries intersects. Another unique quality of our store is our open retail space with a tall ceiling and aisles that are easy to shop through."
- Dusty Ochoa, Owner.

Rain City Games
Vancouver, British Columbia
Achieved WPN Premium December 21, 2021
"We created our brand from the ground up after acquiring the business in 2017. With that brand we have a friendly, community-driven atmosphere in a large urban area. Working towards Premium has been the inspiration needed to accomplish tasks that were easy to put off, achieving that vision we always wanted for the business. "
- Andrea Robertson and Channing Guenther, Owners

Level Up - We Have Fun
Chieti, Italy
Achieved WPN Premium June 2, 2022
"We were granted Premium status only a few months into being open, and the most immediate benefit has been increased visibility. This has allowed us to foster the growth of our community, events, and product sales. Our greatest point of pride has been our supportive and respectful community. Our aim is to accompany fans in their discovery of the world of games, offering wide-ranging and flexible services within the framework of a place for leisure and fun."
- Giacomo Fiorucci, Owner

Halycon Games
Spring, Texas
Achieved WPN Premium June 30, 2022
"Working towards WPN Premium really had us look at all the tiny details that made a huge impact on providing superior customer experiences at Halcyon Games. One of those details was adding section signs. We didn’t really think we needed them in such a small space, but we went big, colorful, and playful. We are so glad we embraced the change because our customers can find things easier and they create a more welcoming ambience. Most importantly, we learned to constantly look for ways we can make small improvements every day. Perhaps, our best new feature is our logo wall in our play space that absorbs sound, which is especially helpful during rain storms and busy game nights."
- Frankie Wright, Owner.

Underground Games
Copperas Cove, Texas
Achieved WPN Premium August 15, 2022
"We view the WPN Premium status is a badge of honor that exemplifies our hard work and commitment to the business as well as the community. We want to let the community know that we go above and beyond and strive to be one of the best in the industry. One of the things we get complimented on a lot is that we are always growing and evolving, never staying stagnant, which is probably one of our most unique qualities."
- Armando Neblina, Owner

Elysium Cards and Games
Fair Oaks, California
Achieved WPN Premium August 26, 2022
"Elysium has had a focus since day one on inclusivity in the gaming space. The owner has been an avid gamer for most of his life, and as a queer man saw the issues with discrimination permeating even the hobbies he pursued. Now, thanks to the support of the community and the staff that assists the owner, Elysium is proud to be a safe haven for everyone who wants to game. While we already had a goal in mind to be a premier LGS, working towards Premium helped us improve our shop even more. We were pushed to organize better, install improvements for customers, and were able to commission work from a local artist thanks to the Retail Improvement Grant program. Now that we've achieved Premium status, we are seeing an uptick in attendance to our events and talk of our shop has even reached a few states away!"
- Tyler Selee, Owner.

The Iron Lion
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Achieved WPN Premium September 1, 2022
"Joining the network and achieving WPN Premium has been wonderful! We have a wonderful community of all types of TCG players. Our store has custom-made wooden tables for all of our TCG events as well as custom floor-to-ceiling wooden bookshelves for all of our supplies, Sideshow figures and comic displays. As well has having a custom wood & iron throne at the main entrance of the store! The Iron Lion staff ensures that our store upholds our family friendly environment while keeping it fun and competitive!"
- CJ Daniels, Manager.

95 Game Center
Wilmington, Delaware
Achieved WPN Premium September 15, 2022
"We are brand new to the WPN Premium program but so far it has allowed us to detect and upgrade various items or displays in our store. This has undoubtedly further enhanced our end-user experience. We are especially proud of our customer and community engagement, as well as our digital kiosk system for trading card singles shopping."
- Brad Powell, Owner.

Modern Table Top
Chesterfield, VA
Achieved WPN Premium September 29, 2022
"Customers and staff are aware of our drive to become premium. This has put a lot of pride, structure and discipline into our staff. Customers constantly tell us how great our store looks and how well kept it is. This continues to drive customers back to us. We are proud of our customer service and how we treat everyone that walks in the door. People can feel a little uneasy the moment they walk into a store they have never been in and seeing so many people playing games. The way our staff greets them and answers their questions helps to alleviate that awkwardness for some new customers. We also love our D&D room. Our D&D players have been with us since we first opened and they volunteered to help build the room to the standard it is today."
- Christopher Wood, Owner.

Coliseum Cards
”同威世智代表的沟通过程非常愉快并给予了我们诸多支持,让之后的改进过程非常顺畅。达成优质给予了我们引以为豪的标准且我们努力维持这个水平,从客户服务到店铺和赛事体验的方方面面都包括在内。我们非常荣幸能够成为塔姆沃思地区的优质店铺,为中部地区的万智牌社群提供举办专享赛事的场地。对我们来说,创造良好体验才是重中之重!“ ——店主Sharon & Mark Lawson。

Face to Face Games
“努力成为WPN优质使得我们从竞争对手中脱颖而出,如今店铺几乎每天都会受到赞扬。我们也很喜欢收到优质店铺专享的产品。 ""灰度 ""是本店铺引以为豪的主题:我们将黑白灰三色运用到了地板、墙壁和家具上。“ ——店主 Kelly Ackerman,。

Firestorm Games
“通往优质之路的过程安排结构清晰且条理分明,威世智在申请过程中提供了很大的帮助,确保我们的申请过程轻松愉快。高水准的新店和游戏区让我们有能力为顾客带来真正优质级别的零售和游戏体验。我们作为WPN优质店所创造的热情包容的环境,提升了我们组织化赛事和大赛的举办能力。“ ——经理Andy Walpole。

Geek Retreat
”我们的优质之路并不顺畅,前两次申请都失败了!然而,协会的每次反馈很清楚地指出了我们需要改进的地方,而且每个要点在改善店铺外观和顾客体验方面都很有意义。成功建立友好包容的社群,让新手在互帮互助的氛围中入门游戏,我们对此感到非常自豪。" ——店主Andy Morton-Foggon。

Gamers Paradise
“努力成为WPN优质使得我们从竞争对手中脱颖而出,如今店铺几乎每天都会受到赞扬。我们也很喜欢收到优质店铺专享的产品。 ""灰度 ""是本店铺引以为豪的主题:我们将黑白灰三色运用到了地板、墙壁和家具上。“ ——店主Tony Derbigny。

Hairy Tarantula
”起初,达成WPN优质这件事是如此令人望而生畏,但我们很想走这一步。专员前来同我们交流并告知我们需要投入很多精力,但最终一切都是值得的。之后我们翻新了地板,申请到的零售发展补助金也帮了大忙。如今大家对店内的舒适程度和店铺各处都赞不绝口。尽管我们一度感到挫败,但我们很欣慰最终达成了目标,并且每年都致力于让店铺更上一层楼。“ ——经理David Rood。

Gremio de Dragones
“努力成为WPN优质并不是难事,每当有顾客祝贺我们或并对店铺环境提出表扬的时候,一切的付出都得到了回报。我们店内产品数量充足且种类多样,很多产品在西班牙别处都买不到,对此我们非常引以为傲。WPN优质店的身份表明了社群成员在这里能有高质量的体验,并激励我们继续提高服务质量。“ ——店主Paco Rubio。

Júpiter Barcelona
”我们需要对本地店铺进行改进,得知可以达成WPN优质时我们非常高兴。机构提出的建议都一针见血且有效。我们为所有顾客感到自豪,社群就是一个大家庭——每位新顾客都是我们大家庭中的新成员!“ ——店主Joan Grau。