27. Dez. 2021 — Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, Promokarten, Marketing-Materialien, Neuigkeiten

First Look: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Buy-a-Box Promo

It’s a holiday surprise! Preview the Buy-a-Box Promo and start building hype now.

27. Dez. 2021 — Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, Promokarten, Marketing-Materialien, Neuigkeiten

First Look: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Buy-a-Box Promo

It’s a holiday surprise! Preview the Buy-a-Box Promo and start building hype now.

The science fiction future of Kamigawa has action around every corner. In a world where no side is your bad side, how could we make it cooler?

Enter Satoru Umezawa, the Buy-a-Box Promo for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.

Satoru Card

Your players can find Satoru Umezawa in any Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty product, but this art is only found on the Buy-a-Box card! You can give out this Promo for sales of the following:

  • Set Booster Display
  • Draft Booster Display
  • Collector Booster Display
  • 6 Prerelease Packs

Your store can expect to begin receiving this Promo beginning February 7 with your Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty marketing kit.

Start sharing the good cheer with your players! You can download Buy-a-Box marketing materials, including card images and social media assets, now. Simply click the images below to download them.




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Ausgewähltes Event

Scheduling is open for March of the Machine Prerelease now!


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