9. Okt. 2023 — Neuigkeiten

Introducing the WPN Marketing Portal: Now Open!

WPN Premium retailers in the U.S., Canada, and Guam can now order customizable, print-on-demand marketing materials from the new WPN Marketing Portal powered by Smartpress.

9. Okt. 2023 — Neuigkeiten

Introducing the WPN Marketing Portal: Now Open!

WPN Premium retailers in the U.S., Canada, and Guam can now order customizable, print-on-demand marketing materials from the new WPN Marketing Portal powered by Smartpress.

We’re thrilled to launch the new WPN Marketing Portal powered by our new partner, Smartpress. It’s loaded with incredible features, including easy customization, a smooth checkout process, promotional marketing credits for your store to redeem, and the ability to purchase additional materials and add them all to one cart.

This comprehensive article will be your one-stop shop for all things about the WPN Marketing Portal launch: details about the portal, key dates to remember, what's available to order, and how to access your login credentials to get started.

To jump immediately to the FAQ at the end of the article, click here.

WPN Marketing Portal Details

The Wizards Play Network Team has continued our quest to build a legendary WPN Marketing Portal—a place where Wizards Play Network retailers can order from an ever-increasing catalog of high-quality, customizable marketing materials that fit your unique store’s needs.

These materials are available in addition to your regular WPN marketing materials like set posters, so never fear—you’ll still receive your normal marketing kit as well.

The WPN Marketing Portal can be found at wpn.collaterate.com—bookmark this page if you're part of our pilot launch with WPN Premium retailers in the U.S., Canada, and Guam!

This limited launch of the new WPN Marketing Portal will only be available to WPN Premium retailers in the U.S., Canada, and Guam. We plan to expand the program in the future. Your feedback, gathered in an upcoming survey, will be critical to guiding our next steps with the new WPN Marketing Portal.

WPN Marketing Portal Key Dates

The WPN Marketing Portal will be open year-round with long-term or “evergreen” marketing materials and rotating seasonal materials. Here are a few dates you’ll want to keep top of mind:

October 9:

  • WPN Marketing Portal Launches at 9AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7)
  • The Lost Caverns of Ixalan seasonal marketing materials and long-term Magic and D&D marketing materials become available
  • LCI Season Promotional Marketing Credits added

October 20:

  • Order before this date to receive your LCI Materials in plenty of time for Prerelease.

December 5:

  • LCI seasonal marketing materials no longer available
  • LCI Season Promotional Marketing Credits expire
  • Murders at Karlov Manor (MKM) seasonal marketing materials added
  • New MKM Season Promotional Marketing Credits added
  • Long-Term Magic and D&D Marketing Materials will not expire; they will remain available on the portal throughout each season.

What's Available in the WPN Marketing Portal

To start, we’ll feature seasonal Magic: The Gathering materials for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, plus evergreen Magic and Dungeons & Dragons materials to advertise these beloved games to your players year-round. In the future we’ll be adding more options—let us know what you would like to see added when you provide feedback!

Beginning with The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, you’ll be able to order the following materials. Anything marked “Custom” can be fully customized to your store’s needs.

Instructions for each marketing material can be found on the corresponding page within the portal. We especially recommend reading the instructions for window clings!

When you are choosing the quantity to order for each item, remember that pricing shown is the subtotal for the entire quantity (not price per unit). The first item in each order includes a materials and press set-up charge.

Please keep in mind, additional copies of the same custom material will cost less than the first; you’ll get the best pricing on higher quantities of your customizable items.

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Seasonal Materials

  • 18” x 24” LCI Key Art Poster | Custom
  • 5” x 7” LCI Events Flyer | Custom
  • 24.5” x 36” LCI Events Sidewalk Signage | Custom
  • 24.5” x 36” LCI Key Art Sidewalk Signage | Custom

Magic: The Gathering Long-Term Materials

  • 18” x 6” Magic: The Gathering Logo Window Cling
  • 18” x 24” Magic Planeswalker Poster | Custom
    • Printed on thick cardstock and will work with WPN Premium poster frames
  • 24” x 36” Magic Planeswalker Wall Banner | Custom
    • Heavy vinyl banner that can be hung against a wall or in a window for a larger impact than the poster

Dungeons & Dragons Long-Term Materials

  • 18” x 6” Dungeons & Dragons Logo Window Cling
  • 18” x 24” D&D Key Art Poster | Custom
    • Printed on thick cardstock and will work with your WPN Premium poster frames
  • 24” x 36” D&D Key Art Wall Banner | Custom
    • Heavy vinyl banner that can be hung against a wall or in a window for a larger impact than the poster


  • A-Frame Sidewalk Signage Fixture

If you are new to WPN Premium and didn’t receive the A-Frame Sidewalk sign holder we rolled out with The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™, reach out to WPN Retail Support or your dedicated WPN Premium Business Development Specialist to see if you’re eligible for a promo code redeemable for one complimentary fixture. Stores that already received a complimentary fixture from Wizards of the Coast are not eligible.

WPN Smartpress launch materials available

How to Get Started

Logging In

Log into the site at wpn.collaterate.com. See your invitation email sent to Store Owners and Admins for your store or chain’s initial login username and password, plus your starting promotional marketing credit balance; it begins with the subject line "[WPN] New Marketing Portal Now Open!"

Be sure to update your password to something only authorized users will know after you log in for the first time—you can do this on the Account page when logged into the portal.

It is up to your store to decide who should have the login credentials—owners, managers, and/or admins are our recommendation. Remember that you’re in charge of your store’s login credentials and promotional marketing credit balance. Only share the login with people authorized to spend your store or chain’s promotional marketing credits and/or any saved credit card payment methods.

  • Individual Stores: Your username (official Store Email address as seen in the Store & Event Locator), and password were provided in your invitation email. There will be only one user account per individual store.
  • Chain Stores: Your login information is also provided in your invitation email. You’ll have one connected user account, which will cover all your store locations. Chain stores will either be set up with your official Store Email Address as your username (default), or you may have received communication from us to identify a different email address to use as an alternative. You can view the stores connected to your account in your invitation email, or on the second page during the checkout process in a drop-down menu.

Promotional Marketing Credits

Each eligible store location will receive promotional marketing credits provided by Wizards of the Coast to spend toward complimentary marketing each season. Credits will be determined by your current WPN Play Metrics. You are welcome to spend beyond your complimentary credits to purchase additional materials, and everything can be added to one cart for easy checkout.

For The Lost Caverns of Ixalan season, your store may receive $200, $300, or $400 in promotional marketing credits. Please keep in mind that these amounts may change in the future. Your credits will be applied to your order automatically at checkout, and cover marketing material cost and tax. Wizards of the Coast currently covers FedEx Ground shipping costs.

Credits will expire at the end of each season and will not roll over from set to set, so we encourage you to use all your promotional credits each season.

Chain stores will have all promotional credits for each of their connected locations combined into one user account. Chain store users can choose to place one big order shipped to one location and divide up the materials after arrival, or you can ship multiple separate orders to different locations. In short, chain stores can choose to spend their credits as desired between locations.

Marketing Materials Policy Reminder

Please refrain from using custom text on any marketing materials provided through the WPN Marketing Portal for jokes, vulgar language, or personal messages. Language used on these materials should be related to the sale of sealed Magic or Dungeons & Dragons product or events related to in-store Magic or D&D play.

Marketing materials provided via the WPN Marketing Portal are meant for display in your store, and may not be resold or used as player prize support. For additional guidance, please review our current Marketing Materials Policy.


If you're unsure of your store’s official Store Email Address, this information appears in the Store & Event Locator.

In the event you are having trouble logging in, one of your connected locations is missing or incorrect, or you have another question for the WPN team, please reach out to Retail Support.

Order-related questions should use the in-portal communications system. Go to your "Orders" page and select the order you're having trouble with. You can select "Messages" and send any questions directly to Smartpress so they can get you the quickest answer.

WPN Marketing Portal FAQ

Q: Where can I find my login information?

A: Login information can be found in your invitation email from October 9. Look for the subject line, “[WPN] New Marketing Portal Now Open! Login Information for...”

Q: I’m having trouble logging in and I need assistance, or I have a non-order related question. What do I do?

A: Reach out to WPN Retail Support or directly to your WPN Premium Business Development Specialist, and we’ll be happy to help troubleshoot.

Q: Do these materials replace my regular Magic set posters?

A: No! These materials are in addition to all the normal marketing materials you receive.

Q: How long will it take for each order to be printed and shipped to my store, and how do I check tracking?

A: Each order will be processed within 48 hours of being received. Including production and shipping time, you can expect to receive your shipment within 7-14 business days. You can check tracking in the Orders page when logged into your account on the portal.

Q: After placing my order, I noticed a mistake or I have a question. What do I do?

A: Log on to the portal and click on “Orders” in the top menu bar. You’ll be able to view order history and click on the specific order you have a question about. You can send a message directly to Smartpress from that order screen—they’ll have all the info they need to help you make it right.

Be thorough when reviewing your proofs and ensure everything is correct before clicking “Approve.” Your order will be produced and shipped to you soon after it is placed.

Q: Why is the price per item so much more expensive than I’d expect for a poster or banner?

A: These marketing materials are “print-on-demand,” which means your order is processed and shipped right away as a one-off. Printing one item at a time is more costly, but allows for customization and more immediate arrival in your store.

When you are choosing the quantity to order for each item, remember that pricing shown is the subtotal for the entire quantity (not price per unit). The first item in each order includes materials and press set-up charge.

Please keep in mind, you’ll get the best pricing on higher quantities with your customizable items.

We think these costs are worth it for your store to have custom marketing, and that’s why we’ve provided promotional marketing credits for you to spend!

Q: Do I have to order my complimentary materials separately from any extra materials I want to pay for myself?

A: Everything can be combined into one order. Go ahead and fill your cart with as many marketing materials as you like. Your promotional marketing credits will automatically be applied, and any remaining balance can be paid with a credit card in the same order/shopping cart.

Q: Do promotional marketing credits roll over from season to season?

A: No, promotional marketing credits do not roll over or stack. Credits will be issued along with new Magic: The Gathering seasonal materials, and both will eventually expire to make way for the newest set of seasonal materials. Be sure to use up your credits each season before they expire!

You can find the expiration date (and more info about credits) under the Promotional Marketing Credits section within the Help Topics menu.

Q: What if I used up all my promotional marketing credits, but I want to order more materials later in the season?

A: You are free to place as many orders as you’d like on the WPN Marketing Portal all year-round. After you’ve used up your credits each season, you may choose to order additional materials and pay for them out-of-pocket at any time (just be sure to order before they expire).

Q: Can I use my WPN Marketing Portal materials as prize support or a giveaway in my store? Can I sell my marketing materials?

A: No, you may not use these materials for prizing, giveaways, or for sale. They are to be used for display in your store, and to support Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons sales and play in your store only. Please refer to our Marketing Materials Policy for more guidance.

Q: Can I download artwork images from the WPN Marketing Portal and alter them for my own purposes?

A: No, images from the portal should not be downloaded, altered, or printed elsewhere. Please refer to our Marketing Materials Policy for more guidance.

Q: How long should my WPN Marketing Portal materials be displayed in my store?

A: Seasonal materials should be displayed in your store only for as long as the advertised event or product is relevant for encouraging sales. You should plan to take down older materials at regular intervals to make way for newer materials.

Long-term or “evergreen” materials are designed to live long-term in your store, and feature iconic Magic: The Gathering or D&D characters or settings that remain relevant throughout the seasons.

Q: How can I provide feedback on the portal?

A: We welcome your feedback, ideas, comments, and suggestions!

Please fill out the feedback form linked in the WPN Marketing Portal menu bar.

In addition, we will be emailing a comprehensive survey your store can complete after this first launch of the program to gather specific feedback.

Q: What if my store wants to print something else non-Magic or non-D&D branded for our store, like a store logo sign or navigational signage? Can we do this on the WPN Marketing Portal?

A: In the future we plan to develop more options for store-specific marketing to the portal, but right now our marketing material offerings are limited to Magic and D&D branded materials. For now, we recommend heading over to www.smartpress.com for any other print needs like these for a custom print experience.

About Smartpress

The new WPN Marketing Portal is powered by Smartpress. We’re partnering with Smartpress to offer WPN stores a local custom print shop experience with the ease of ordering online. 

Smartpress is the premium online print vendor for marketing and design professionals across the U.S. and Canada. They operate on three foundational principles: create high-quality printed materials with world-class customer service and a commitment to social responsibility. 

Smartpress is 100 percent employee-owned and Scope 1 & 2 carbon neutral certified. As the online division of The Bernard Group, a leader in retail merchandising, Smartpress offers a variety of options for retail signage and solutions as standard offerings. Check out www.smartpress.com for more.

WPN Premium

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Weitere Informationen
Verwendung der Promokarten

Hub für Promotions

WPN Marketing Materials Policy

Before you begin customizing your print-on-demand marketing materials, please read our marketing materials policy.


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