2022.10.07 — WPN 프리미엄

Good Morning Magic: WPN Special Featuring Nelson Brown

Gavin Verhey and Nelson Brown sit down to talk game stores and WPN Premium in this edition of Good Morning Magic.

2022.10.07 — WPN 프리미엄

Good Morning Magic: WPN Special Featuring Nelson Brown

Gavin Verhey and Nelson Brown sit down to talk game stores and WPN Premium in this edition of Good Morning Magic.

Many Magic fans first fell in love with the game at their local game store, and over the years, the LGS has remained a key pillar of our community. In this week’s episode of Good Morning Magic!, Gavin Verhey sits down with Nelson Brown to discuss why game stores will always be at the core of Magic's community, and why we're passionate about supporting local game stores through the Wizards Play Network. Plus, they discuss what players can expect when visiting a WPN Premium store.

Watch the full episode below:

If you're feeling inspired after watching the episode, connect with us to start your store's Path to WPN Premium.

We're Here to Help You Achieve WPN Premium

A WPN Premium designation is a mark of the greatest game stores in the world—and it can be a mark of pride for your players. Whether your store is a small boutique or a destination tournament center, we believe you deserve the recognition and additional benefits WPN Premium has to offer.

The WPN Business Development team exists to help you reach your individual business goals and achieve a WPN Premium designation. Check out the WPN Premium hub to learn more about the program and kick off your conversation with your WPN Business Development Specialist.

Next week we'll be sharing upcoming WPN Premium Benefits for aspiring stores through the rest of 2022 and early 2023, so keep an eye on this space for more details.

Already Premium? Submit Your Photos to Be Featured!

We've showcased several existing stores in the WPN Premium Showcase Gallery, and we are always seeking more photos to feature—maybe your store is next! Here's how to submit your photos:

  • Head to our online form.

  • On the form, share your store's name and location.

  • Attach around 10 photos of your store (at least one interior and one exterior) using a link to a shared Google Drive folder.

When sharing your Google Drive folder, please be sure the settings are set so anyone with the link can view. Otherwise, we will be unable to view your submission. The end of the form has a few short questions about your experience achieving a WPN Premium designation. From your answers, we'll share a quote when your photos are posted to the gallery to inspire stores hoping to start the Path to WPN Premium themselves.

We've previously shared some best practices for taking your store's interior and exterior photos, though you may consider hiring a professional photographer to help you take stunning images that make your storefront shine. We are looking forward to seeing more WPN Premium stores show off their spaces—if you have photos to share, use our form and get your photos submitted today.

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