29 авг. 2022 г. — Dominaria United

Dominaria United Product Delays

Due to logistical issues, a selection of Dominaria United products will be delayed in Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

29 авг. 2022 г. — Dominaria United

Dominaria United Product Delays

Due to logistical issues, a selection of Dominaria United products will be delayed in Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

Due to logistical issues, a variety of Dominaria United products will be delayed in some regions. As a result of these delays, we have decided to adjust Dominaria United Jumpstart Prerelease in these regions.

Please read the full details of each regional delay below.

Asia-Pacific Product Delays

Stores in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and New Zealand:

Dominaria United Jumpstart Boosters will not be available at Prerelease and will likely not be available for the September 9 set release. We expect Dominaria United Jumpstart Boosters to be fully available shortly after the release of Dominaria United.

If your store is in this region, we encourage you to schedule new events once you have product on hand, rather than use your currently scheduled Dominaria United Jumpstart Prerelease events. Please schedule these new events using Wizards EventLink.

Stores in China:

Your store's Prerelease product will not be affected by this delay. However, the Dominaria United Jumpstart 2-Pack has been delayed in your region and should be available in late September. The Dominaria United Bundles and Commander Decks have been delayed and should be available in early October.

Stores in Japan:

Dominaria United Collector Boosters will be delayed and are expected by September 9 set release. We are also expecting a delay with Dominaria United Jumpstart Boosters and as a result, we are extending Dominaria United Jumpstart Prerelease event scheduling.

Stores in Taiwan and Hong Kong:

Your store's Prerelease product will not be affected by this delay. Japanese language Dominaria United Set Boosters have been delayed in your region and should be available by the end of September.

Stores in Australia:

Your store's Prerelease product will not be affected by this delay. The Dominaria United Jumpstart 2-Pack and Draft Multipacks have been delayed in your region and should be available in late September.

Latin America

Dominaria United Prerelease Kits and additional products are delayed throughout Latin America and should arrive one week after the release of Dominaria United. Stores can reach out to their distributors for the most up-to-date information.

To help mitigate the impact of this delay on Latin American stores, Prerelease event scheduling will be extended until September 22 in Wizards EventLink. We recommend stores in Latin America cancel their currently scheduled Prerelease events and schedule and run a new event when you have product on hand.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. Our teams are hard at work across the globe to reduce the impact of logistical issues and support your store and community.

We hope that despite these delays, you have an incredible Dominaria United Prerelease week.

If you have any questions about these delays, please contact Retail Support. For the status of your current shipments, please reach out to your distributor.

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