30 апр. 2024 г. — Новости

The Modern Horizons 3 Leaks, Nulldrifters, and You

30 апр. 2024 г. — Новости

The Modern Horizons 3 Leaks, Nulldrifters, and You

Much like with Oko on Thunder Junction, there has been a betrayal at our vault. Modern Horizons 3, a set that is the perfect marriage of powerful Magic and powerful memes, is spilling out into the world at a quick—though unintended—clip. We think the culprit is a hidden door at the back of the Fomori vault that Jace "forgot" about, but only Oko knows. And he's off somewhere doing crunches.

At any rate, we're here. Read the rest of our statement over on DailyMTG.

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