Launch Party: Dominaria United

During Dominaria United season, metrics count for all regions.

As a reminder, we are extending the WPN play metric snapshot grace period to February 18, 2023 in all regions except for Latin America, where the grace period has been extended to May 23, 2023. Until the end of the grace period, promo and product allocations will be based on live metrics or the Q1 2020 metric snapshot, whichever is higher.

All events reported through Wizards EventLink, including Webcam and At-Home events, will count towards play metrics: Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players.

Opening weekend is all about celebrating Limited play with the option of Draft or Sealed. It's a great opportunity for players who look forward to the excitement of checking out new cards and playing without being required to bring their own deck.

Launch Party at Home

We're continuing support for virtual tabletop events and other remote play opportunities through:

Планирование мероприятия

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