Apr 19, 2018 — Brawl
Apr 19, 2018 — Brawl
With the release of Dominaria, we unveiled a new way to play Magic.
Allow me to introduce Brawl.
It's got the same novel interactions without the broken combos; the same way of rewarding curiosity without the daunting card pool. It's accessible, its pivotal cards are available, and it uses all front-list product.
Brawl—the TL;DR Version:
If you know Commander, the rules will be pretty familiar. Four big differences: cards have to be Standard-legal, decks are sixty cards instead of one hundred, planeswalkers can be commanders, and there's no commander damage.
Some players are calling it a "drafter's constructed format"—meaning, it's likely to make good use of cards that are high picks in a draft but no-shows in Standard. Decks are sprouting up around Admiral Beckett Brass, Huatli, Radiant Champion, Samut, Voice of Decent—all mythic rares that have yet to make an impact on any constructed format.
Brawl takes fun cards like those and makes them viable. Which, in turn, makes them more exciting to open in a booster. It's a value add.
Especially for Dominaria, which is about to unleash dozens of legendary creatures into Standard, including Firesong and Sunspeaker, the mechanically unique Buy-a-Box promo.
Here are some guidelines:
If we've got one recommendation for getting a Brawl community going in your store, it's that—start with side events.
Brawl is available in Wizards Event Reporter right now. Schedule your first side events today!