Sep 10, 2021

EventLink Release Notes: August 17, 2021

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt will soon be upon us! The EventLink and Companion teams have been hard at work getting ready. Here’s what we delivered in our latest sprint.

Sep 10, 2021

EventLink Release Notes: August 17, 2021

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt will soon be upon us! The EventLink and Companion teams have been hard at work getting ready. Here’s what we delivered in our latest sprint.

By Bill Stark, EventLink Product Manager

Release Notes: August 17, 2021

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt will soon be upon us! The EventLink and Companion teams have been hard at work getting ready. Here’s what we delivered in our latest sprint.

Pod Numbers and Booster Drafts

We shape our tools based on your feedback and our latest release delivers new functionality directly from that feedback. Standings for Booster Drafts now display Pod numbers in addition to player names, tie breakers, and records.

Many of you shared that this was useful for you when trying to calculate prizes, and we’re happy to deliver! Here’s what the pod standings look like in EventLink:


A linked round timer is coming to Companion! Soon your players will be able to see how much time is left in the round directly in sync with the timer on your browser in EventLink. Development began this sprint and is expected to conclude by the end of the third quarter.

Quality of Life Improvements

We rolled out several small but impactful improvements to EventLink that I want to briefly summarize:

  • A confirmation for starting a single elimination event now displays before starting the event. This is to reduce the likelihood a user inadvertently starts a single elimination event when they intend to start a Swiss event.

  • A second—and unique—“chime” sound has been added to EventLink. This distinct sound will play if time is left in the round but all matches have been reported.

  • When two players with fixed seating are paired against one another, a message displays to inform users. This is to mitigate any confusion with customers. As a note, if two players with different fixed seats are paired, EventLink automatically seats them at the lowest numbered table.


These are the biggest bugs squashed in our latest release:

  • A cookie issue that could lead to users getting stuck in a “login” loop has been fixed. If you find yourself being logged out by EventLink inexplicably, please submit a bug report using the “Submit feedback” button in EventLink as soon as convenient.

  • Some game win calculations were being calculated slightly incorrectly. That issue has been fixed. (Note: the tiebreakers impacted were the least meaningful for tournament standings.)

  • Several bugs causing error messages to display when using EventLink Mirror have been fixed.

Up Next

Work on an updated player entry feature continues, and we expect to deliver that feature by the end of the third quarter.

You’ll soon be able to check results to see only which matches are outstanding instead of all matches. Mobile implementation of EventLink continues apace, and design for Two-Headed Giant has also begun!

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