Mar 17, 2018 — Retail Advisory Panel
Wizards is pleased to announce an exploratory initiative aimed at helping us to better understand the needs of our WPN members and communicate their viewpoint within the company.
Mar 17, 2018 — Retail Advisory Panel
Wizards is pleased to announce an exploratory initiative aimed at helping us to better understand the needs of our WPN members and communicate their viewpoint within the company.
Here on the WPN team, part of our job is to understand the needs of our WPN members and communicate their viewpoint within the company. Today, we're pleased to announce an exploratory initiative aimed at helping us do so: the WPN Retailer Advisory Panel.
This initiative is exploratory and will likely go through multiple changes as we determine what is most effective and efficient for both Wizards and our WPN Members. Today we are announcing our first test of the Panel and how it will function.
The Panel will include 10–20 WPN Stores. Those WPN Stores will have a representative in the Panel who will represent the retailer's perspective. Periodically, they'll dialog directly with Wizards on various WPN initiatives, anything from kit materials to website content to products and events, and we'll listen to and incorporate their feedback.
For the initial trial run, Panel members will be limited to WPN stores in the United States and Canada North America only. Depending on its success, we may expand to other regions as well.
We will be selecting a broad spectrum of retailers to ensure the Panel members represent all levels of the WPN, from Core to Advanced Plus, and are located all over the US and Canada.
Prospective members are thoughtful contributors to the WPN Facebook Group with a professional demeanor and a respectful relationship with our support teams. Panel members will be required to agree to a non-disclosure agreement and additional terms and conditions as a condition for participation.
We are still refining the criteria for the Panel, so we will be sure to update you with any new or modified criteria.
First, ensure you meet the criteria above. Second, we ask that WPN stores interested in participating fill out a short form to let us know (below). The first prospective Panel members have been selected and will receive their invitations this week, so submitted forms will be considered for the next iteration of the Panel.
We will test the rotation Panel members at various frequencies as we refine this process. We anticipate rotations will occur approximately annually, but please note that Panel member rotation will be at the discretion of Wizards of the Coast.
The Panel members will be public, though the topics we discuss will not. We'll introduce them after the panel is finalized.
If you’re interested in participating in the future, you can express your interest using the form below.