Oct 2, 2020 — Prerelease, Promos, Commander Legends

Double Your Commander Legends Prerelease Promos

Commander Legends Prerelease is now available in Wizards EventLink. Here's how to double your promos for your at-home or in-store event!

Oct 2, 2020 — Prerelease, Promos, Commander Legends

Double Your Commander Legends Prerelease Promos

Commander Legends Prerelease is now available in Wizards EventLink. Here's how to double your promos for your at-home or in-store event!

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Commander Legends At-Home and In-Store Prerelease starts November 13. Schedule now!

Schedule Commander Legends Prerelease with EventLink before September 4 to double your Prerelease promos.

Hand out Commander Legends Prerelease promos to players that join Prerelease with a Wizards Account.

Scheduling is now open for Commander Legends At-Home and In-Store Prerelease through Wizards EventLink!

In case you missed it, Commander Legends is the very first Commander-based booster product, combining Commander and Draft for the first time and optimizing the booster experience for Commander players.

Commander Legends has twenty-card packs with a foil and two legendary creatures (there's over seventy brand-new legends in the set!) in every pack. Plus, the set also comes with two Commander decks of its own, perfect for new Magic players or those who are new to Commander.

Needless to say, Commander fans are going to be pretty excited for the Commander Legends Prerelease, whether they're participating remotely or in your store. You might already be thinking, I'm going to need more Prerelease promos.

Luckily, there's a simple way to do just that.

Here's a breakdown of how to handle your Commander Legends promos, from doubling your allocation to handing them out.

Schedule Commander Legends Prerelease with EventLink before September 4 to double your Prerelease promos.

Doubling your promos for Commander Legends Prerelease is extremely simple—just schedule your Commander Legends Prerelease (remote or in-store) through EventLink by September 4. If you meet the deadline, we'll send you double the promos. That's it!

If you miss the deadline, you can still get the customary amount of promos—scheduling will stay available. But if you haven't tried out EventLink yet, this is a great opportunity to get accustomed to the tool, especially since Commander Legends Prerelease will only be available through EventLink.

To get set up with EventLink, just go here—this article walks you through setting up your Wizards Account and all the way through adding staff and creating your first event. Just follow the steps in this article to double your allocation!

Inside EventLink, you'll see three event types: In-Store (excludes US & LATAM), At-Home, and webcam. Any one of these will make you eligible for double promos.

(Please note that scheduling by September 4 will double your Prerelease promo cards only. Buy-a-Box promos are unaffected by scheduling Prerelease.)

Hand out Commander Legends Prerelease promos to players that use a Wizards Account.

You're going to get two sets of promo cards for Commander Legends: one set for the Buy-a-Box promotion, another set for players who join your Prerelease with a Wizards Account.

Players who use a Wizards Account to enroll in the events you schedule with EventLink make your life easier—so reward them! Hand out one promo to any player who participates in your at-home or in-store Commander Legends Prerelease event using their Wizards Account.

The simplest way to keep track of who uses a Wizards Account is to encourage players to use the Magic Companion app. This app really helps Wizards EventLink shine—players with the app can register right from their phones and get results and round pairings there, too, saving you time.

(Find Companion for iOS here and Android here.)

Note: Players under the age of 13 can sign up for a Wizards Account using the COPPA compliant application. They can do that in the Companion app or through the Wizards Account website here.

Players under 13 will need an adult to sign up for them. Verifying the adult is done through submission of an application for verification, which can take 1–2 days to complete.

If you have a player who doesn’t have a Wizards Account and is unable to create one, you can add them as a guest for the event, but only players who register using a Wizards Account will get the promo.

Schedule your Commander Legends Prerelease with Wizards EventLink now to double your promo allocation!

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