Feb 18, 2015

Find Judges with This Free Tool

Find judges of all levels with this easy-to-use tool!

Feb 18, 2015

Find Judges with This Free Tool

Find judges of all levels with this easy-to-use tool!

Finding judges can be difficult, especially higher level judges needed for Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers and Grand Prix Trials.

To help make it easier, try using Judge Apps!

Judge Apps is a free website, created and managed by the Magic Judge Program, that makes it easy to search the Magic judge database. You can search by name, judge level, location, and DCI #.

Judge Apps also have a great map tool that can be used to visually search for judges by location and level.

Finding and contacting local judges of a certain level is fast and simple!

Gaining access to this great resource is simple. All you need to do is create a login just like any other site. It can take a few days for the approval process to complete, so be patient.

Once approved, you can start searching for judges and contacting them right away!

Try using Judge Apps today to find judges for your next Preliminary PTQ or Grand Prix Trial!

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