Jul 21, 2014
Find out how one store gave a brand-new player the time of his life!
Jul 21, 2014
Find out how one store gave a brand-new player the time of his life!
Matt Hanes sent us this story, about his son's first experience playing a trading card game.
"Jimmy was the youngest player there. He was very nervous, and to tell the truth so was I. Most of the other players were adults, but they all keyed in on Jimmy's excitement.
We were playing one of the modified pre-built starter decks, and we thought we had done a good job. It worked well when we played each other. We were severely outclassed.
However, everyone there helped us out. Someone gave him a stack of cards to improve the deck he had. Then gave us a deck that was a much more competitive deck for the next time we went to a tournament. Someone gave him a dice that matched his shirt, and then he was so happy he couldn't stop flapping his arms . . . .
Then, after we came in 27th of 29, the winners got together and gave Jimmy their patches, and another stack of cards. He became a mascot for all the other players, and now wants to play every chance he can.
For losing most of the day, he had the time of his life."