Oct 28, 2024 — Magic: The Gathering Foundations

Leverage Foundations Jumpstart to Bring New Players In-Store

With 46 possible Jumpstart themes, Foundations Jumpstart is a great new player acquisition tool for your store.

Oct 28, 2024 — Magic: The Gathering Foundations

Leverage Foundations Jumpstart to Bring New Players In-Store

With 46 possible Jumpstart themes, Foundations Jumpstart is a great new player acquisition tool for your store.

Magic: The Gathering Foundations releases November 15, with Prerelease events starting November 8—this set was designed to make it easier than ever to bring new players into the Gathering, from products like the Beginner Box to Foundations Jumpstart.

Jumpstart remains an incredible format to get new players to try a game of Magic while delivering fun, exciting gameplay for experienced players—review the product details and tips for leveraging this product in your event lineup below.

What is Foundations Jumpstart?

Foundations Jumpstart lets players dive straight into Magic with thousands of combinations of themes. Each pack has a special theme that ties the cards inside together. There’s fun to be found in every booster, so encourage them to try out this exciting and accessible format.

Each Jumpstart Booster from Foundations Jumpstart contains 20 cards, including at least one new-to-Magic card and all the lands you need for your Jumpstart deck. You’ll also find a theme card in each booster, providing a decklist and the name of your booster’s theme.

You can direct your players to explore and familiarize yourself with all the possible Foundations Jumpstart themes in this article over on DailyMTG.

Each Jumpstart Booster includes the following:

  • 20 Magic cards
  • 46 Possible Jumpstart themes
  • 1 – 2 Rare or mythic rare cards per booster (33% chance of two)
  • 1 of 51 anime art cards
  • Includes lands
  • 1 Theme insert

Additionally, players can explore all the cards in this release with the Foundations Card Image Gallery. Whether your players are looking to begin their Magic journey or supercharge their favorite decks, Foundations has something for everyone to enjoy.

Run New Player Friendly Events Using Jumpstart Products

While Foundations heralds the introduction of Magic Academy, you are always encouraged to run additional new player-friendly events in your store throughout every play season.

All your players have to do is take two Jumpstart Boosters, shuffle them together, and they have an instant deck to play against other Jumpstart decks! Use Foundations Jumpstart to run demo games or send players off to friendly one-on-one matches.

Whenever you host a new player event, including any walk-in demo experiences, report the event using "New Player" as the event format in Wizards EventLink. All Magic events reported in Wizards EventLink count toward your overall play metrics, which directly impacts your estimated weekly promo packs and further contributes to your community's growth.

Foundations Prerelease starts November 8, but you'll want to make sure you have a full suite of events scheduled for the coming months. Fill up your event calendar in EventLink and spread the word to your community!

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