Nov 23, 2016
Don't miss scheduling Standard Showdown and a new Kaladesh Holiday Buy-a-Box promotion, both aimed at helping grow your in-store community.
Nov 23, 2016
Don't miss scheduling Standard Showdown and a new Kaladesh Holiday Buy-a-Box promotion, both aimed at helping grow your in-store community.
Beginning today, Core level and above stores will see two new programs available in Wizards Event Reporter: a special Kaladesh Holiday Buy-a-Box promotion and Standard Showdown both created to help support growth of your in-store community
Any store that signs up for these programs will receive a kit, to be delivered by November 25, containing promotional booster packs to be distributed to players participating in the events.
Here's what you need to know:
We're trying out a new weekly program designed to help support growth of your Standard community, and we'd like to get your input.
Each store that helps us pilot the program will receive forty Standard Showdown boosters to distribute to players across four consecutive Standard events between November 26–December 17.
Here's how it works:
1. Sign up in WER. Schedule one Standard Showdown for each Saturday from November 26–December 17. These events must be Standard, must occur on Saturday, and must be Ranked (i.e. include at least three rounds and at least eight players). Stores that sign up will receive a kit containing forty Standard Showdown booster packs, by November 25.
2. Run and report the events. Run either three or four rounds of Swiss (three for 8-16 players; four for 16+ players) with no cut to top 8.
3. Issue Standard Showdown Boosters. Issue up to 10 Standard Showdown Boosters per event. We recommend you prioritize recipients in this order: 1) undefeated players, 2) returning players from previous weeks, 3) new players, 4) players who brought a friend.
4. Complete our brief survey. Participating WPN members will receive a link to a survey in an email at the end of the program.
After receiving feedback, we'll take another look at the program before iterating further.
To help drive additional traffic into your store over the holidays, we're also launching a special Kaladesh Holiday Buy-a-Box promotion.
Sign up in Wizards Event Reporter and you'll receive forty-four Buy-a-Box boosters. Distribute two Buy-a-Box boosters to anyone who purchases a full display of Kaladesh in your store.
Just like previous Buy-a-Box programs, this promotion is designed to support brick-and-mortar retailers; only in-store purchases are eligible. And be sure to actively message the promotion to your community!
Buy-a-Box and Standard Showdown booster packs each contain three cards:
*Cards from Oath of the Gatewatch and double-faced cards not included.
Kaladesh Inventions and Zendikar Expeditions appear in roughly 1 in 33 boosters.
Distributed cards will all be in English.
Don’t delay! Scheduling for both new programs ends in just two weeks on November 6.
Sign up in WER today!