Aug 28, 2020 — Promos, Commander Legends, Prerelease

Two Weeks Left: Schedule Commander Legends Prerelease for Double Promos

You can double your Commander Legends promos! Just schedule your remote or in-store Commander Legends Prerelease through EventLink right now.

Aug 28, 2020 — Promos, Commander Legends, Prerelease

Two Weeks Left: Schedule Commander Legends Prerelease for Double Promos

You can double your Commander Legends promos! Just schedule your remote or in-store Commander Legends Prerelease through EventLink right now.

Scheduling is now open for Commander Legends At-Home and In-Store Prerelease through Wizards EventLink! And you can double your event promos with just a few clicks.

Doubling your promos for Commander Legends Prerelease is easy—just schedule your Commander Legends Prerelease (remote or in-store) through EventLink by September 4. If you meet the deadline, we'll send you double the promos. That's it!

To learn more about handing out the Commander Legends Prerelease participation promos, check out this article.

Even if you're new to EventLink, scheduling your Commander Legends Prerelease is easy. Just follow these steps by September 4 and we'll automatically double your promos!

How to Schedule Commander Legends Remote or In-Store Prerelease

If you've already registered your Wizards Account with EventLink, just click here to log in and schedule your Commander Legends Remote or In-Store Prerelease.

Now sit back, daydream about the first full Commander-focused set, and wait for your double promos to arrive.

If you're not set up with EventLink, just follow two quick steps:

Step 1: Create a Wizards Account

EventLink uses different log in credentials than Wizards Event Reporter. It uses your Wizards Account, which will be the all-in-one account for all things Wizards going forward.

If you already have a Wizards Account, proceed to Step 1. If you don't have a Wizards Account, here's how to get one:

  1. Head to

  2. Choose "Register."

  3. Follow the prompts to validate your account.

Step 2: Tie Your Wizards Account Information to Your Store

Next, we need to connect your Wizards Account to your store so EventLink will show the correct information.

Here's how.

  1. Head to this Retail Support form.

  2. Log in with your Organized Play Account (not the account you just made). This is the account you normally use to contact Retail Support and log in to Wizards Event Reporter.

  3. Submit your Wizards Account information.

After you've submitted the form, we'll take care of the rest.

Form confirmation can take up to forty-eight hours. If you haven't tied your Wizards Account to your store yet, we recommend you do so now so you have time to clear up any last-minute questions before the September 4 deadline.

As soon as your Wizards Account is tied to EventLink, you can schedule your Commander Legends Prerelease, and we'll send you double the promos!

You only have two more weeks to double your Commander Legends promos. Schedule your Prerelease today so you don't miss out!

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