Apr 2, 2021 — Strixhaven: School of Mages

Scheduling Webcam and At-Home Strixhaven Prerelease

Get a jumpstart on planning your Strixhaven Prerelease.

Apr 2, 2021 — Strixhaven: School of Mages

Scheduling Webcam and At-Home Strixhaven Prerelease

Get a jumpstart on planning your Strixhaven Prerelease.

Due to production issues, Strixhaven: School of Mages Promo Packs are delayed.

Here's when you can expect your promo packs to arrive:

  • North America: by the end of April

  • All Other Regions: by the end of May

This delay does not affect Buy-a-Box Promos—these cards will still arrive as planned April 9–April 13.

Enrollment starts now at Strixhaven, the most prestigious university for magical learning in Magic’s Multiverse. The latest set invites players to enroll in one of five distinct colleges and help prove whose magic is the most powerful on campus.

Strixhaven has five different Prerelease Packs available, and fans will choose which they like best during Prerelease—you may want to purchase your full allocation and offer preregistration for each specific college to account for more popular colleges.

Here are a few more things to consider when running your Strixhaven Prerelease:

Each Prerelease Pack is themed around one of the five colleges at Strixhaven—you'll receive cartons of 20 packs rather than the usual 18.

Strixhaven Prerelease runs from April 16 through April 22. All regions can schedule At-Home and Webcam Prerelease events.

In-Store and Webcam Prerelease events still begin at 3 PM local time. In-store Prereleases are currently suspended in many regions—check our monthly in-store play articles and your local guidelines.

All WPN members receive an allocation of Strixhaven Commander Decks for Commander Dueling

Strixhaven Prerelease Early Sale Promotion products vary by region.

Give out the Strixhaven Buy-a-Box Promo with Draft, Set, and Collector Booster Displays or sets of six Prerelease Packs.

"Prerelease Party" events are now rolled into the Prerelease template on EventLink.

Important Dates for Strixhaven Season

Season: April 23–July 16, 2021 (12 weeks)

Scheduling Opens: February 1

Distributor Selection Deadline: February 13

Promo Pack Allocations Set: February 13

Digital Marketing Assets Wave 1: February 18 (Download Now)

Digital Marketing Assets Wave 2: March 25

Kits Delivered (North America and Latin America): March 8

Kits Delivered (Europe, Japan, and Asia-Pacific): April 9–April 13

Buy-a-Box Promos and Promo Packs Delivered: April 9–April 13

Prerelease: April 16–April 22

Release: April 23

Launch Party: April 23–April 25

Friday Night Magic: April 23–July 2

Commander Nights: April 23–July 8

Each Prerelease Pack is themed around one of the five colleges at Strixhaven.

And each carton of Prerelease Packs contains an even number of packs for each college—Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix, Silverquill, and Witherbloom—so you'll receive cartons of 20 packs rather than the usual 18.

Prerelease Prize Draft Boosters are in displays of 36. This means stores are allocated 1.8 prize Draft Boosters for each Prerelease Pack.

We still recommend giving two prize packs per Prerelease entry. If you sell 90% or more of your Prerelease Packs, we recommend giving out IOUs to the last 10% of your sales to continue giving out two prize packs per person.

Strixhaven Prerelease runs from April 16 through April 22.

Strixhaven Prerelease events can once again be scheduled for the entire week between Friday, April 16 and Thursday, April 22.

At-Home and Webcam Prerelease events will be schedulable for all regions in Wizards EventLink, as well as In-Store events for regions where it is available—check our monthly in-store play updates for the latest information.

All In-Store and Webcam Prerelease events still begin at 3 PM local time. Prerelease Packs for At-Home Prerelease events may be sold when you open on April 16 or shipped to arrive no sooner than April 16.

All WPN members receive an allocation of Strixhaven Commander Decks for Commander Dueling

Commander Dueling is back for Strixhaven Prerelease!

All WPN members will get a flat allocation of Commander Decks for Commander Dueling—and all WPN Premium members will get a higher flat allocation.

This allocation of Strixhaven Commander Decks can be used for Commander Dueling throughout the week of Prerelease. This is a Strixhaven-only addition to the Prerelease Early Sale Promotion.

Strixhaven Prerelease Early Sale Promotion products vary by region.

All WPN members will receive an allocation of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion Boosters and Commander Decks for Strixhaven Prerelease.

You can sell full displays of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion Boosters and Commander Decks for the entire week of Prerelease, from when your store opens on April 16 through April 22. Individual packs from any leftover early sale boxes can be sold on or after the set release day.

The Prerelease Early Sale Promotion product varies by region:

North America, APAC (excluding Korea and Taiwan), and Japan: Set Boosters

Latin America, Korea, and Taiwan: Draft Boosters

Europe: Local language Set Boosters or a combo of local language Draft Boosters and English Set Boosters if local language Set Boosters are not available

Additionally, WPN Premium members in all regions receive an allocation of Collector Boosters that can be sold during the week of Prerelease.

Give out the Strixhaven Buy-a-Box Promo with Draft, Set, and Collector Booster Displays or sets of six Prerelease Packs.

WPN members can ship Buy-a-Box Promo cards along with any order that qualifies.

The following purchases all qualify for the Buy-a-Box promo:

Full displays of Draft Boosters

Full displays of Set Boosters

Full displays of Collector Boosters

6 Prerelease Packs

Stay tuned for more info on the Buy-a-Box card!

"Prerelease Party" events are now rolled into the Prerelease template on EventLink.

To make remote Prerelease event structure easier to manage, traditional Prerelease events (with rounds) and Prerelease Parties (player list only) are now both available to be scheduled from the Prerelease event template in EventLink.

To schedule a Prerelease Party, create a Prerelease event and select "Player List Only" as the pairing method.

Help your community start their registration at the most prestigious institution of magical learning by scheduling Strixhaven Prerelease today!

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