Jun 11, 2021 — In-Store Play

In-Store Play Returns to Europe from July 2

The Love Your Local Game Store Promotion officially kicks off in Europe for AFR Prerelease – plus more!

Jun 11, 2021 — In-Store Play

In-Store Play Returns to Europe from July 2

The Love Your Local Game Store Promotion officially kicks off in Europe for AFR Prerelease – plus more!

In-store play returns to Europe from July 2, and we’re here to support you as you reconnect with your customers in your store.

The Love Your Local Game Store Promotion is designed to help ease the transition back to in-store shopping and events. There are plenty of exciting things to be on the lookout for in the next few months for our European retailers.

Here’s how European stores can prepare.

Return to In-Store Play from July 2

Starting Friday, July 2, the in-store play suspension will be lifted in Europe.

As we have stated before, safety is our top priority. We understand that countries will have different levels of restrictions and various local health and safety guidelines when play reopens.

You are not obligated to start running in-store events at this time, but you can starting from July 2 if local government guidance allows so and you are able to do so safely and comfortably.

All the events and promotions we're rolling out to celebrate the return to in-store play are flexible. Run them whenever you're legally allowed and able and when it's best for you and your community.

Whether you're diving into in-store events right away or easing into the transition, you can kick off the Love Your Local Game Store Promotion with a simple sales promo to bring your customers back to in-store shopping.

Start the Love Your Local Game Store Promotion When Your Fabled Passage Promos Arrive

First, your foil, retro-frame Fabled Passage promos are estimated to start arriving July 16 with your Adventures in the Forgotten Realms marketing kits.

You're free to start giving them out to each customer who spends 40€ in store on sealed Magic product as soon as you receive them. You’re also welcome to start this promotion later if needed.

Give Out Play Promos When They Arrive

When you're ready to start hosting regular in-store play, you can reconnect with your in-store event community by offering five different foil, retro-frame promos for each in-store event entry.

We'll be delivering these play promos in stages to countries where play is possible, starting later this summer. You can start looking for them beginning in August and September, depending on the state of play in your area. Timing is flexible for this promotion, too, so start planning to use these promos when you and your community are ready.

Details on these cards are coming soon—stay tuned!

Mystery Booster Convention Edition Available in August—Distributor Lock Date is June 18

Next up, Mystery Booster Convention Edition will be available in August for European stores. This fan-favorite set provides a great opportunity to run Sealed events if your local guidelines allow it.

We'll have more information on Mystery Booster Convention Edition very soon, including special event details. Meantime, if you have any changes to your preferred distributor, make them before the June 18 lock date.

These legendary offerings are just the first wave of what we have planned for the rest of the year! As customer enthusiasm for in-store events continues to grow, we have a few more WPN-exclusive announcements to share.

Check back here more information, and start preparing now for the legendary return of in-store Magic in Europe.

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