Commander Parties are a one-day event exclusive to WPN Premium stores where players are immersed in a story—their in-game choices affect the whole event, and the story affects their individual games.
These events are a great opportunity for players that are new to your store to participate in a casual in-store event and get absorbed in the world of Magic.
Scheduling: 1 event between March 10–March 12; use the Commander Party scheduling template
Format: Commander
Rules Enforcement Level: Casual
Pairing Method: Player-List Only
Promo Support:
Metrics will be reactivated with at least 6 months' notice . At this point in time, we do not have a current anticipated date for metrics reactivation. Until the end of the grace period, promo and product allocations will be based on live metrics or the Q1 2020 metric snapshot, whichever is higher.
As always, all events reported through Wizards EventLink, including Webcam and At-Home events, will count towards play metrics: Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players.
Schedule now in Wizards Eventlink