Jun 30, 2015
and the WPN site! Here's how!
Jun 30, 2015
and the WPN site! Here's how!
Want to get your store showcased in front of Magic: The Gathering players worldwide?
Send photos of your Magic Origins events by July 21 to WPNstories@wizards.com!
On Wednesday, July 29, we'll highlight those stores who created amazing experiences for their players at their Magic Origins events.
Then on Tuesday, August 4, one of those great stores will be featured on the Magic: The Gathering site for players around the world!
Step 1: Create Amazing Experiences at Your Magic Origins Events
For some inspiration, check out our Magic Origins Events Video Guide and these ideas for Prerelease .
Step 2: Take Photos of Your Magic Origins Events
Make sure to:
Step 3: Send Us Your Photos and Stories by 7/21.
Email your Magic Origins event photos and stories by 7/21 to WPNstories@wizards.com.