Nov 7, 2024

Introducing Your New WPN Store Profile Page

Check out a brand-new page to view your store information, including your play metrics.

Nov 7, 2024

Introducing Your New WPN Store Profile Page

Check out a brand-new page to view your store information, including your play metrics.

Today, a new update arrives to the Wizards Play Network website: a profile page available for Wizards Play Network members. Your profile page will be your one-stop shop to view your Store ID and WPN Play Metrics.

How Do I Get to My Profile Page?

To access your profile page, you need to log in. To log in, click on the top-right corner of the WPN website. You'll be directed to log in using the same credentials you use to access Wizards EventLink.

Screenshot of where to log in on WPN website

Once you're logged in, you'll see your username appear in place of the "Log In" button. Hover your cursor over your username and select "Profile" to visit the new profile page.

Arrow pointing to the word Profile in dropdown on WPN website

That's it! Now you can easily view play metrics for your store—or multiple stores, if you have more than one location.

What's On My Profile Page?

On your profile page, you'll see your store's name right in the header space. Below that, you'll get the download on your store's current WPN Play Metrics, giving you direct access to your store's play numbers on the same website you use to catch up on product details, read helpful articles, and download marketing materials.

Your play metrics are data collected and used by the WPN team to help track the growth of your in-store play. All Magic events reported through Wizards EventLink, including At-Home events, will count towards play metrics: Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players. Metrics are a powerful tool to help you understand your current play community size and grow your business.

Here's a refresh of each component of Play Metrics:

  • Tickets. Tickets are the total number of entries across all your Magic events in a rolling calendar year. All manner of play counts, and one player can count as multiple Tickets across multiple events. This includes players who use Wizards Accounts, and Guest accounts.
  • Engaged Players. Engaged Players register for your events with their official Wizards Account and have played at your store six or more times in the past rolling calendar year, regardless of format.
  • Activated Players. Activated Players are players that register for your events with their official Wizards Account, are in their first year of in-store play, and have joined six events at your store, regardless of format.

To remain in the Wizards Play Network, all stores need to maintain the following requirements over the course of a rolling calendar year:

  • 250 Tickets
  • 5 Engaged Players

WPN Premium stores need to maintain the following requirements by each annual play metrics check:

  • 1500 Tickets
  • 30 Engaged Players
  • 10 Activated Players

If your store is below minimum play metrics, your metrics will be displayed in red on your profile page and you'll be reminded of the above numbers so you can retain your WPN status. And you don't have to bookmark this article for the details about Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players—it's all on your profile page.

Under your metrics, you'll find the number of estimated weekly promo packs your store should expect to use week over week, depending on your community size. With many Magic set releases, your store will receive a promotional materials shipment, which includes promo packs. The total number of promo packs in each shipment is based on your store’s metrics and the total number of weeks in the season. As your metrics increase, so does the number of promo packs your store should expect to use on a weekly basis.

This update is just the beginning: we hope to continue to grow your profile page to deliver the information you need most.

Note: If you encountered a discrepancy between the metrics you received in the newsletter during the week of October 28 and the metrics on your profile page, this issue has since been resolved.

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