Jan 18, 2023 — Phyrexia: All Will Be One, Events, Promos

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Events & Promos Overview

Take a look at the promos coming for your Phyrexia: All Will Be One events.

Jan 18, 2023 — Phyrexia: All Will Be One, Events, Promos

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Events & Promos Overview

Take a look at the promos coming for your Phyrexia: All Will Be One events.

Phyrexia: All Will Be One is a continuation of the story that kicked off with Dominaria United—but don't shy away from encouraging new players to jump into the fray. You'll have plenty of unique experiences to offer new players, plus the biomechanical horror theme of Phyrexia: All Will Be One, to get them intrigued by the set right away.

Boost Engagement with Poison Counter Promotion

Starting February 3, Stores in Germany, Austria, France, and Italy can participate in a special Magic: The Gathering play and purchase promotion. How it works is simple: players visit your store, participate in a Magic: The Gathering event, and purchase 75€ of Phyrexia: All Will Be One sealed product to receive a poison counter.

Purchase and event participation must be on the same day, and Prerelease Packs do not count toward the 75€ purchase threshold.

The poison counters are green 10-sided dice with a Phyrexian symbol in place of the number ten. Each WPN store will receive one bag of twenty dice packaged in a zip bag. WPN Premium stores will receive two bags totaling forty dice.

Additionally, WPN stores in Germany, Austria, France, and Italy will receive an envelope containing two A5 size posters (148 x 210mm) for you to place near your point of sale to help advertise this fun promotion to every customer at your store. Head to our marketing materials page to download a folder containing the poster in French, German, and Italian.

To spark players' interest, make sure you have events scheduled on your calendar—any Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease event can be a time where you encourage players to pick up sealed product and get their hands on a poison counter.

Share the 30th Anniversary Promos

Our birthday celebration continues with four more 30th anniversary promos for your Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease: Kor Haven, Exalted Angel, Temple of the False God, and an Italian-language version of Vindicate. This set of promos will be provided to stores in varying quantities, with Kor Haven and Vindicate coming in very low amounts. We encourage you to use these as special prizes.

30th anniversary promos kor haven, exalted angel, temple of the false god, and an italian-language printing of Vindicate

Use these promos to encourage Prerelease sign-ups at your store and support participation at your events during Prerelease week—and if you're low on ideas, there are several creative ideas you can tap to make the experience more fun.

Buy-a-Box Promo: Green Sun's Twilight

While your players are enjoying an incredible Prerelease at your store, encourage them to pick up a full display of their most desired product to get the Phyrexia: All Will Be One Buy-a-Box promo, Green Sun's Twilight.

Give this promo to your customers for sales of the following:

  • Set Booster Display

  • Draft Booster Display

  • Collector Booster Display

  • Jumpstart Booster Display

Hype Up Store Championship Promos

You'll receive three promos to distribute during your Store Championship events:

  • Participation: Annex Sentry

  • Top 8: Memory Deluge

  • First Place: Koth, Fire of Resistance

WPN Premium stores who achieved their designation by June 24, 2022 will receive nonfoil promos with their store name printed on them as well as foil promos without the store name printed on them. We encourage you to give your Top 8 and First Place winners both the nonfoil store name promo and the foil promo at the event.

Store Championship events are officially replacing Game Day beginning with Phyrexia: All Will Be One. Moving forward, only specific formats will be available for scheduling your Store Championship events. The formats that can be used for scheduling a Phyrexia: All Will Be One Store Championship are as follows:

  • Pioneer

  • Sealed Deck

  • Booster Draft

In addition, Store Championship events run in a Limited format must only use the most recent Standard set release. For the Store Championship scheduled February 25 – March 5, that means you may only use Phyrexia: All Will Be One Draft Boosters for your Limited format events.

"Perfect"-ing Prerelease Packs

With the ability to sell the full product suite at Prerelease, your players will have plenty of options for what they want to explore first. However, there is one fun element changing up Prerelease Packs for Phyrexia: All Will Be One.

In one out of every 15 Prerelease Packs, your players will open one of these special Phyrexianized Spindown dice instead of one of the five mana colored Spindowns.

Commander Party Returns with Phyrexian-language Promo

The third of four interconnected Commander Party events is coming with Phyrexia: All Will Be One, on one night during the weekend of March 10 – 12. Hosted only at WPN Premium stores, players will gather for a guided Commander experience and align under one of five factions that will alter the gameplay experience and change the course of the event.

WPN Premium stores will be sent the Phyrexian-language promo, Norn's Annex, with their marketing materials kit for Phyrexia: All Will Be One. Unless this is your first Commander Party, you will re-use the same event poster that you used for The Brothers' War and Dominaria United; if this is your first, you will be mailed the Dominaria United kit contents.

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease begins Friday, February 3—make sure your events are scheduled in Wizards EventLink and let your community know about what's in store.

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