Nov 7, 2023 — The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, Events

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League Kick-off: What You Need to Know

Check inside for details on The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League for stores in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Nov 7, 2023 — The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, Events

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League Kick-off: What You Need to Know

Check inside for details on The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League for stores in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

To celebrate the release of The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, WPN stores in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa can run weekly League events where players can join a faction and join friendly, competitive battles to earn points for their group. The League kicks off on November 17, coinciding with the release of The Lost Caverns of Ixalan!

At the end of the League, players can earn additional promo packs; plus, they get a deck box just for participating. Read the full event details below.

How do I run the The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League?

You can run League events any day of the week after the release of the set on November 17. We recommend scheduling and running your event on the same day each week.

When joining the League, each player purchases 3 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft Boosters and selects a League deck box of the faction of their choice (while supplies last). The factions are:

  • Dinosaurs
  • Merfolk
  • Pirates
  • Vampires
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League Deck Boxes, one for each of the factions: Dinosaurs, Merfolk, Pirates, and Vampires

Using their sealed pool of 3 Draft Boosters, players build a 30-card deck. Note that players do not need to build their deck around the creature type of their faction—the faction is in name only. Each game is best-of-one and players can play in as many games as they see fit during each League event.

Each week, players can purchase additional The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft or Set Boosters to add to their deck. After three losses, players can also purchase another Booster.

How do I award League points?

How you structure your League is ultimately up to you, but we recommend awarding League points in the following way:

  • 1 point for attending a weekly League event.
  • 1 point for winning a game, even if a player defeats another member of their own faction.
  • Additional points as you see fit for good sportsmanship or players helping each other with deck building.
  • In the scenario where certain factions have more players than others, you can consider additional bonuses for players in smaller factions defeating players in the larger faction.

You can always award League points at your discretion. Make adjustments as needed to create a welcoming atmosphere and enjoyable events for your community!

After each League event, add any points earned to the poster that tracks the ongoing totals. Display the posters prominently so they can be seen by visiting players and customers.

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League Poster

You can also provide players with match slips, which can be found on our marketing materials page.

Are there any prizes for the League?

We recommend giving players a promo pack after they complete 10 games in the League.

Once your League has ended, we recommend giving all members of the winning faction a promo pack. As always, you are welcome to augment your League’s prize offering at your discretion.

How does this work in Wizards EventLink?

Use our "The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League" event template in Wizards EventLink to run each League event. We encourage you to schedule your League events to recur on the same day of each week. Add players who participate to the player list. As this event is casual, you will not need to enter any results. Once all League matches are completed for the day, simply end the event to report it.

To help advertise your event, put up your League poster up in a visible area of your store as soon as you receive it.

Scheduling for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan League is open now! Be sure to schedule your events today.

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