Jun 11, 2021 — In-Store Play

The Ultimate Return to In-Store Play Checklist

Your go-to resource for ensuring your public and private in-store events go off without a hitch.

Jun 11, 2021 — In-Store Play

The Ultimate Return to In-Store Play Checklist

Your go-to resource for ensuring your public and private in-store events go off without a hitch.

As in-store play resumes in certain regions, some WPN practices, such as private events and temporary event policies, are new experiences for both you and your customers.

We've made integrating these new practices into your regular event prep a breeze. Follow the two checklists below for running both public and private in-store events, and you’ll be set.

In-Store Event Checklist

1. Ask what your players want.

The formats your community loved in April of 2020 may not be the formats they want to play now—it's normal for community interest to shift in that time! Consider running a poll in your social channels to see which formats interest your community before scheduling any events.

2. Prep your space.

Set up your table numbers, provide basic lands for Limited events, and set up your event space to prioritize player safety and abide by all local laws and regulations.

The return to in-store events is also a great time to implement a return-visit loyalty program. Consider giving out extra Promo Packs and surplus promos to customers who return to your store for a certain number of events.

3. Familiarize yourself with Magic Companion.

Some players may be participating in in-store organized play for the first time, so they will need to set up Wizards Accounts (and download Magic Companion!)

Include Wizards Account and Companion signup information in event advertising and train your staff to guide players through the process.

4. Consider a soft opening event.

If you're contending with additional guidelines and restrictions in your area, or you want to get back into the swing of running events, consider running a soft opening event with some loyal customers to work out any kinks.

Wizards EventLink makes small events simple—it only requires four players to report a structured event.

If you're running any private events, you'll also want to consider the following factors when prepping for events.

Private Event Checklist 

1. Offer private events to everyone.

The second WPN Code of Conduct pillar is “Welcome Everyone”—that applies to private events, too!

Advertise how to sign up for private events and offer the option to everyone. If you're hosting a private WPN program event like Prerelease, we also suggest hosting a public Prerelease alongside it so as much of your community as possible can participate.

2. Set space aside.

Your customers are scheduling private events because they want their own space. A separate room is ideal, but moving tables into distinct areas of the playspace works, too.

3. Consider taking a deposit.

Don't miss out on sales because a group doesn't show for their private event! Taking full preorders or partial payment for events is a great way to ensure that groups will be at events when they say they will.

4. Make your store rules clear.

Private events are still your events. Expect players at your private events to abide by the same code of conduct they would at a public event, and make sure to post your rules in the event space.

Keep these checklist items in mind as you prepare your in-store events, and you'll be ready to host! Get familiar with our updated store and event policies to customize your events and best serve your community as they return to in-store play.

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