Jul 8, 2020

U.S. WPN Members: Get Major Magic Announcements Via Text

Want to hear about the next big Magic announcement before your players? Here’s how.

Jul 8, 2020

U.S. WPN Members: Get Major Magic Announcements Via Text

Want to hear about the next big Magic announcement before your players? Here’s how.

We want WPN members to hear about Magic news at the earliest available moment to make sure you're ready for when players ask about it. To make it happen, we’re rolling out a US-only pilot program to text you regarding major announcements. Joining takes less than a minute—here’s how:

  1. Click here.

  2. Sign in with your Organized Play Account.

  3. Underneath “What is the subject of your inquiry?” select the dropdown option "WPN Texting Program."

  4. Underneath “Subject” write: WPN Texting Program.

  5. Underneath “Comment” write: Your name and your store name. For example: “A Regular Hobby Shop – Jace Beleren.”

  6. Underneath “Phone Number” enter the cell phone number you want us to send text messages to. Format it as follows: +12223334444

  7. Read our Terms and Conditions.

  8. Check mark the box agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.

  9. Click the large red button in the bottom right corner to submit the form.

As part of this program we will text you at most ten times a month regarding major announcements and scheduling reminders. Additionally, this program is only available in the United States. While you can discuss it with other retailers and your players, please note that globally others will not be able to join.

If you ever want to opt out of the program, contact Retail Support.

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