Feb 20, 2024 — Magic: The Gathering®—Fallout®

Use New Magic: The Gathering®—Fallout® Assets to Drive Excitement In-Store

Use new marketing materials to spark conversations with your players about the upcoming set.

Feb 20, 2024 — Magic: The Gathering®—Fallout®

Use New Magic: The Gathering®—Fallout® Assets to Drive Excitement In-Store

Use new marketing materials to spark conversations with your players about the upcoming set.

Magic: The Gathering®—Fallout® hits the shelves on March 8! You may see some new faces in your store as fans of this well-loved franchise seek to explore the wastelands in a whole new way.

While Commander Deck previews are going on this week, now is a great time to begin preparing for your Commander Launch Party event.

Use New Downloadable Materials to Advertise

Starting today, a suite of new downloadable marketing materials are available for you to use across all your marketing efforts for the release. Here's a breakdown of what's been added:

  • Key Art social media images (3 sizes)
  • 24" x 36" Key Art poster
  • Collector Booster breakdown
  • Commander Launch Party social media images (3 sizes)

Be sure to review our Marketing Materials policy as you download and prep these images for use across your social media and community channels. You might even consider using a social media post scheduling tool to make getting the word out about your event even easier.

Consider New Player Pathing Opportunities

Ensuring your community knows about your event is just the beginning: once players arrive at your store to enjoy playing with the new Commander decks, what will you guide them toward next? For big Fallout fans visiting your store, you might encourage them to explore more of the set with Collector Boosters.

If they don't know many Magic fans they can play with, send them home with a copy of your store's event schedule for the month, so they can revisit and make friends in the community! Brand new Magic fans piqued by the Fallout theming may enjoy your Outlaws of Thunder Junction Open House even in April.

Universes Beyond is a great way to introduce new players to Magic: The Gathering, as they can explore the game through favorite characters and locations from beloved series. If you do have new-to-Magic players visiting your store, take some time to think about how you might make the experience special, to encourage them to revisit your store, or even explore more Magic sets.

Schedule Your Commander Launch Party

With new marketing materials in-hand, you're fully prepared to get your Commander Launch Party off the ground! Make sure you schedule your event in Wizards EventLink as early as possible so players new and returning can make sure to plan for your event.

You can schedule your Commander Launch Party on any day from March 8 – 10. For participation, each player will receive one copy of the participation promo, War Room.

For additional event details, please see our event page.

Download these new marketing materials, keep up to date on the latest previews, and get your event scheduled today so your players can prepare to journey through the wastes.

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