Jul 13, 2021 — Midnight Hunt, Prerelease
A preview of changes for your events and Prerelease planning.
Jul 13, 2021 — Midnight Hunt, Prerelease
A preview of changes for your events and Prerelease planning.
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt kicks off Magic's return to the fan-favorite plane of Innistrad starting at Prerelease on September 17. Prerelease looks a little different this time around, so here are five things you must know to prepare:
Going forward, Prerelease Packs will ship to all regions in cases of 15, starting with Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.
This change makes it easier for you to match quantities of Prerelease Packs with the new Prerelease prize support: Set Boosters.
Why the change? Customers are asking for it. Player survey data shows that more than half of players prefer Set Boosters to Draft Boosters—and that number is growing.
64 percent of surveyed customers said they would rather have two Kaldheim Set Boosters than three Kaldheim Draft Boosters. That percentage is increasing, too—the number of customers who would prefer Set Boosters increased almost 9 percent over Zendikar Rising.
The growing enthusiasm makes sense—Set Boosters are optimized to make opening boosters as fun as possible, and that’s a great fit for Prerelease when many players are experiencing the set for the first time.
It also makes Set Boosters a much juicier prize for your players to sink their teeth into. You can expect the price of Prerelease Packs to increase going forward.
Korean and Chinese Traditional language regions will receive Draft Boosters for Prerelease prize support until further notice as Set Boosters aren't yet available in those languages.
In all regions, your allocation will be based off your largest Prerelease attendance from Strixhaven: School of Mages, Kaldheim or Theros Beyond Death.
All WPN stores will receive about 25% more Buy-a-Box promos than your Prerelease Early Sales Promotion allocation.
We recommend using these extra cards for full box purchases throughout the Innistrad: Midnight Hunt season to keep encouraging sales after Prerelease.
For all stores, allocations will be based on Q1 2020 snapshot metrics.
Your Prerelease Early Sale Promotion Booster Boxes will be comprised of Set Booster Boxes, Draft Booster Boxes, or a split of both, depending on your region. A breakdown will be in your final Innistrad: Midnight Hunt allocation email.
Like the Buy-a-Box cards, your allocation will be based on your Q1 2020 snapshot metrics.
We're testing a new WPN Premium benefit with Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, and stores that cross the WPN Premium finish line in July get to experience it firsthand.
Any store that achieves WPN Premium status in July will receive a digital Innistrad: Midnight Hunt preview card. Each store will get their own exclusive card, not previewed anywhere else, to share with their community and draw attention to their store during preorders.
If you're on the Path to WPN Premium, contact your Retail Development Specialist to wrap up any loose ends and join this test! The Path to WPN Premium takes an average of two and a half months to complete, so if you haven't started working towards WPN Premium yet, don't stress about reaching this deadline—we have plenty of awesome benefits coming later this year.
Because Innistrad: Midnight Hunt has fewer Commander Decks than other recent sets, setting up a fun and challenging game of Commander using just those decks would be a challenge.
That's why we're holding off on Commander Dueling for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and pulling out all the stops for the season's Commander Nights—more info coming soon!
The distributor lock date for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is coming up on July 9. If you need to make any changes to your distributor before your Prerelease allocation is locked, be sure to do so today!