Dec 11, 2023 — EventLink

Wizards EventLink Updates: December 11, 2023

Read about the recent Wizards EventLink updates.

Dec 11, 2023 — EventLink

Wizards EventLink Updates: December 11, 2023

Read about the recent Wizards EventLink updates.

Written by Ryan Hrbacek, EventLink Product Manager

Bulk Import Update

We received feedback on the Bulk Import feature indicating that our error messaging was not very clear, in turn leading to lower utilization of the tool. As such, we’ve made the following improvements:

  • Error messaging now requires interaction to dismiss, solving for the problem that users were unaware of the error.
  • Error messaging is clearer vs displaying system codes (i.e. “No Account Found” vs “NOT_FOUND”).
  • Overall UI uplift; users can more easily see the error, including which players were affected

Below are a couple of screenshots showcasing the improvements:

An EventLink screenshot showing a Bulk Import error message that 1 Player Could Not Be Registered

An EventLink screenshot showing a Bulk Import error message that 3 Players Could Not Be Registered

Recurring Templated Events

With this week’s release our users can now make templated events recurring. Utilization is similar to creating a recurring custom event, though the period for which the events may be scheduled are also limited to the time periods outlined with the template. For example, an event scheduled to run through November 2023 cannot be scheduled to recur into December 2023.

Here’s a quick screenshot of creating a recurring FNM template in our test environment:

An EventLink Calendar screenshot showing how to use a recurring Friday Night Magic template