Mar 5, 2020

Wizards Withdraws from GAMA 2020

Due to an uncertain health situation, we've made the difficult decision to withdraw from the show.

Mar 5, 2020

Wizards Withdraws from GAMA 2020

Due to an uncertain health situation, we've made the difficult decision to withdraw from the show.

We at Wizards have been eagerly looking forward to this year's GAMA Expo in Reno, Nevada. But sadly, an uncertain health situation has put us in the regrettable position of weighing our excitement against the safety of everyone involved. We've made the difficult choice to withdraw from the show.

We have every intention of delivering all the announcements, product information, and news we had prepared.

Here's the schedule.

Wizards Play Network Spotlight: Bigger, Better, Brighter—Livestream with Nelson Brown

Monday, 16 March, 10 AM PST

RSVP on Facebook here.

WPN Community Manager Nelson Brown is here to spotlight some of the ways we’re reinvesting in the Wizards Play Network, including new details on the upcoming event management tool, new opportunities for anyone interested in WPN Premium, and more.

The Future of WPN Event Management—Livestream with Bill Stark

Wednesday, 18 March, 11:30AM PST

RSVP on Facebook here.

Bill Stark, product manager of the upcoming event management tool, will take you on a guided tour of the amazing things his team's been working on—including a demonstration of the tool.

We appreciate your understanding and we look forward to sharing our GAMA content with you in the weeks to come.

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