Feb 13, 2023 — WPN Premium, Events, Featured

WPN Premium: Don't Forget to Schedule Your Commander Party!

Your Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Party is on the horizon—read up on these reminders and get your event on the books.

Feb 13, 2023 — WPN Premium, Events, Featured

WPN Premium: Don't Forget to Schedule Your Commander Party!

Your Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Party is on the horizon—read up on these reminders and get your event on the books.

Commander Party is a WPN Premium-exclusive, one-night event where your players can engage in a unique game of Commander. Each player will take a faction card—choosing to ally themselves with one of the five Phyrexian praetors—which will alter their gameplay with additional abilities they can use.

The Commander Party event can be scheduled for any day between March 10 – 12; below, we share some reminders and what to expect so you can host your best Commander Party yet!

What's In Your Commander Party Kit

For the Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Party, you'll be using the same poster that you used for your BRO and DMU events. If you gained WPN Premium status after the first two events, your Commander Party instructions will include steps for skipping the first two events and jumping right into the battle on New Phyrexia.

You'll have the following materials to help you throw an epic Commander Party:

  • 1 Commander Party poster
  • 100 Commander Party promos
  • 100 Faction cards (20 of each type)
  • 1 copy of Commander Party instructions

Commander Party materials are available only in English, except for the Phyrexian-language promo, Norn's Annex, which is only available in Phyrexian.

Your instruction pages will guide you through setup and running the event itself, along with segments for you to read aloud to your players as they reach set milestones during their Commander games. Commander games can take over an hour to complete, so remember to start a timer at the beginning of your Commander Party to make sure the event doesn't last too long. Warn players that the end of the event is approaching as time is running out.

How to Introduce New Players to the Story

This Commander Party is the third in a series of four interconnected Commander Party events—as a result, some of your newer players may not be fully caught up with the overarching story of the last few Standard set releases.

A great way to help new players feel engaged is to provide a brief recap at the start of the event. This helps put all your players on the same page and sets the tone for the Commander Party. The Phyrexians have begun their invasion of Dominaria in full, and the praetors (the cunning leaders of the Phyrexian invasion ) are offering your players unique abilities in exchange for your players' loyalty. Will they choose to align themselves with these powerful creatures, or resist temptation and fight for Dominaria's freedom?

Each Commander Party can be experienced as one self-contained event—after all, the main draw to this event is how the faction cards can shake up a typical game of Commander. Focus on the fun and your players will follow.

Don't delay—schedule your one-day Commander Party in Wizards EventLink right now, and start advertising the event to your players!

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