Regional Availability: WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada only

Scheduling: Schedule by May 31 to receive promotional art prints; event runs June 28 – 30

Format: Commander

Rules Enforcement Level: Casual

Pairing Method: Player-List Only

Promo Support:

  • 40 promotional rainbow holographic foil art prints by artist Anh Nguyen

Magic Presents: Pride promotional art print

About Magic Presents: Pride

This event is only available to WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada. For the Magic Presents: Pride event, treat all eligible commanders as though they had the partner ability. This allows players to add an additional commander to a deck they already have or use a never-before-seen combination of two commanders to helm a totally new deck.

Commanders that already have abilities like partner won’t let players have more than two commanders at this event, but we applaud their enthusiasm. Remember that the extra commander still counts toward the 100 cards in their deck.

Aside from that additional rule, run the event the same as you would any other Commander event in your store, and get your community ready for the partner matchups of a lifetime!

Each participating player receives one rainbow holographic art print, while supplies last.

Additional Details

WPN stores in the United States and Canada must schedule their events in Wizards EventLink before May 31 to qualify for receiving promotional art prints to hand out to participating players during the event. Those who enroll in time will receive 40 art prints each, printed with a stunning rainbow holographic foil treatment.

You are still welcome to run Pride-themed events at your store without the promotional art print for participants. You might consider coming up with a different prize to bring your community together for a night of unique Commander fun! 

Available Formats