Mar 25, 2024 — EventLink
Everything you need to know about Wizards EventLink—what it is, what it does, and how to use it.
Mar 25, 2024 — EventLink
Everything you need to know about Wizards EventLink—what it is, what it does, and how to use it.
Here's everything you need to know about Wizards EventLink—what it is, what it does, and how to use it. Let's get started!
Wizards EventLink is the Wizards Play Network's event management tool—and it makes scheduling, reporting, and running events easier than ever before.
Simply put, EventLink is the best Magic event reporting tool we've ever made.
Here's what you can do with EventLink:
"The ability to access it from any type of device that can access the internet is great. Now our staff can take results on their smart phones and tablets without being locked into sitting at one computer all night." — Greg Peck, Greg's Games
The Magic: The Gathering Companion App is a phone app that players download to enter events, report results, check pairings, and more.
Your players can download the Companion for iOS or Companion for Android right from the App Store or Google Play.
Companion doesn't just make life easier for players—it makes running and reporting an event quicker and simpler on your end by taking the detailed work of recording results and creating pairings off your Tournament Organizers' shoulders.
Below you will find the complete guide to all the features and functionality of Wizards EventLink. To navigate to a specific section, click one of the following topics:
You can access Wizards EventLink from any computer or mobile device with an internet browser.
The Calendar view on Wizards EventLink serves as your homepage, where you can view past and future months, open events, and schedule new events. Creating an event is straightforward and only takes a few clicks. Here's what you need to do:
When scheduling program events you can click "Create Duplicate" to create another event using similar parameters to what you currently have input. You can make adjustments to individual instances of each event as needed.
Find your event using either the "Month" or "Agenda" view, toggleable from the top right of the screen.
From either view, click on the event then "Open Event."
There are three ways to register players in your events:
Having players use Magic Companion to register offers the most efficient and user-friendly experience.
For players that do not have Magic Companion, you can register them by entering their Wizards Account email address under "Add Email" and pressing enter. If they do not have a Wizards Account, they can create one at https://myaccounts.wizards.com/.
For players that are unable to create a Wizards Account in time for your event, they can be registered using a Guest Account. Click "Add Guest" then enter their first and last name, and press enter.
Guest Account entries will only ever be connected to a single event, and their first and last name will be deleted after 24 hours. Guest entries will count towards your Tickets and future Prerelease allocations but will not count towards Engaged Players.
You may also upload an invite list to populate the registrants of your event! When creating your event, all you need to do is upload a .CSV file with either a player's Wizards Account email or a general display name in the first column.
You may use a spreadsheet with additional values in other columns, but EventLink will only read what's in Column A. EventLink will not be able to accept entries that are duplicated, or emails that are not tied to a Wizards Account—if either of these situations occur, you'll receive an error message that tells you which error you encountered to improve troubleshooting.
You will still be able to add or remove players manually, so if you need to make changes once you import a list, you can still do so.
You can remove registered players before beginning the event by mousing over their name in the list and clicking the trash can.
You can register players late for all formats by returning to the registration tab. Late players will by default be given a match loss for each round they missed; however, you have the option to edit the pairings of the round in which they entered the event at your discretion.
Manual Pairing is a Wizards EventLink feature designed to allow for correction of errors throughout an event. With this feature, Tournament Organizers can edit the results of the previous round and manually change the pairings of the active round of an event.
Manual Pairing may be used at the organizers discretion in Casual REL tournaments (meaning tournaments not following the Magic Tournament Rules), such as pairing younger players together or ensuring friends don't have to play against one another.
Manual Pairings may be used in Regular, Competitive, and Professional REL events only to correct mistakes made by the organizer during the event, such as fixing past round results or repairing players that they incorrectly instructed to play one another.
When running an event in the active round, users will see a new “[Edit] Pairings” button in the upper-right corner of the active Round screen. Selecting this button allows users to edit the pairings of the current round.
Users will see all paired players as well as unpaired players (i.e. a player with a bye). They have the option to break any of the current pairings, which puts affected players in an unpaired state.
In order to proceed, players must receive one of the three states available in the drop-down:
Selecting this option requires another player to be paired with them to proceed.
Once a valid state has been applied to all players, and once all pairings have an assigned table, the user can then save the pairings.
After completion of the first round, subsequent rounds will have an additional button available next to the “[Edit] Pairings” button: “[Edit] Scores Round X” with X referring to the previous round. When selected, the user is taken to the previous round’s Pairings screen and can edit that round’s scores.
When running a draft, tournament organizers will see the option to “Edit Draft Pods” on the “Drafting” phase screen:
Simply select "Edit Draft Pods" to make edits to the pods as they currently exist.
From here, selecting "Move" for your chosen player allows you to take the following actions:
If you have players with limited mobility or parents that wish to sit near their child for an event, you can lock a player to a specific table by mousing over their name in the list and clicking the table lock symbol. Players locked to a table will always be assigned that table. If two players with locked tables are paired together, they will be assigned to the lower table number of the two.
Setting a Starting Table Number will ensure that table assignments begin at that number for this event. Using this feature will allow you designate which section of your play space is used for each event while running multiple events simultaneously.
For example, if you had two events running at the same time, you could set the Starting Table Number to 20 for your second event to ensure that table assignments in that event start at table #20, leaving tables 1-19 free for your first event.
EventLink Mirror allows you to display event information to your players on a secondary monitor in your play space. Click the EventLink Mirror symbol to open a new tab that will display relevant information for the current phase of the event such the event name, event code, pairings, standings, and round timer.
For Booster Draft events, the first round will be preceded by the Drafting phase. Once all players are seated in their pods, click Start Draft Timer. Once the draft is complete, you can click on the timer to restart it for deckbuilding.
From the top right you can select "In-Pod" if you want players to only be paired with other drafters from their pod. "Cross-Pod" will allow players to be paired with players outside their draft pod.
Once the draft and deckbuilding are complete, click "Create Round 1."
For Sealed events, the first round will be preceded by the Deckbuilding phase. Once players are all seated for deckbuilding, click "Start Deckbuilding Timer." Once players have completed their decks, click "Create Round 1."
EventLink will automatically generate a number of rounds based on how many players are in the event, but you are free to run as many rounds as you’d like.
To end an event early, click "End Event" near the bottom left of the screen.
You can add additional rounds by clicking "Add Round" at the end of the final pre-generated round.
The timer is set to 50 minutes by default, but you can adjust the duration by clicking on it.
You can find recommended round time limits in Appendix B of the Magic Tournament Rules.
Each round, players will receive pairings and table assignments via Magic Companion.
You can also display this information using EventLink Mirror or by printing them from the "Event Settings" dropdown near the top of the screen.
Players can submit round results directly from Magic Companion or the tournament organizer can manually input them into EventLink from the pairings screen.
Only one player needs to submit the results of a match, but both players will be sent a notification confirming the submitted result in Magic Companion. If a correction needs to be made, the player can notify the tournament organizer to make the correction in EventLink.
Once all results have been submitted, click "Create Next Round."
You can apply penalties by clicking "Add Penalty" from the pairings screen. You can view previously added penalties you have input during the event from the "Penalties" tab:
If you need to correct a result from the previous round after pairings have been generated, you can select "Delete Current Round Data" from the Event Options Dropdown, correct the result, and re-pair. You can only go back one round at any given time. Please refer to the “Manual Pairing” section of our guide to see if you are able to make sufficient edits to the previous and current round before deleting a round.
If you selected "Cut to Top 8" when scheduling your event, the final Swiss round will be followed by three rounds of single elimination playoffs.
Once the final round is complete, you can click "End Event" and the results will be automatically reported.
At any time throughout the event you can view or display Standings from the top right of the screen. Players can also view standings from the Companion App.
With EventLink, store owners and admins can add tournament organizers to the store’s account without contacting Retail Support. The new staff member will need a registered Wizards Account to be added.
The added staff member can now log in to your store’s EventLink profile using their Wizards Account credentials. Each staff member should only ever use their own account credentials to log in and use EventLink.
You can submit feedback and bug reports to the EventLink team by clicking "Submit Feedback" in the bottom left.
We're incredibly grateful to WPN retailers like you for taking the time to share your feedback, so keep those comments coming! You can send feedback directly through EventLink—the team reads every single piece.
And that’s everything you need to know to schedule and run events in Wizards EventLink! If you have additional questions not covered in the guide, please reach out to Retail Support for assistance.
Visit our support site, select your region, and submit a request to apply.