Dec 18, 2015
Including new hours, and a new way to place direct sales orders
Dec 18, 2015
Including new hours, and a new way to place direct sales orders
We've streamlined our Retail Support process in order to assist WPN retailers with better speed and efficiency.
Effective immediately, you'll now be able to:
If you call (800) 564-1636, you'll reach a Retail Support representative, rather than route your questions through Game Support first.
In order to reduce callback and hold times, reps will no longer be restricted to specific regions. Instead, any available Retail Support rep can help you with all questions and concerns.
When you place a Direct Sales order by phone, you'll be speaking to a Retail Support rep. You can ask all your WPN questions and place your order on the same phone call. You may also still place orders via email.
Retail support reps will be available from 9am to 5pm (Pacific time), 7 days a week.
These changes are effective immediately (North America only). Please contact Retail Support if you have any questions.