Aug 25, 2018
We've updated our WPN Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Aug 25, 2018
We've updated our WPN Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
New Terms and Conditions! Please click here to review and agree as soon as possible.
You've probably received a handful of emails about new privacy policies lately. A lot of those emails are related to a new law that goes into effect on May 25: General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR).
It's pretty complicated—enough to literally double the size of our T&Cs. But the short version is, anyone who controls or processes the personal data of individuals located in the European Union is subject to the terms of the GDPR. That's Wizards, and that's any store that uses Wizards Event Reporter (WER).
It's a good thing. Privacy standards are evolving, and we're all for it.
Click here to agree. It shouldn't take more than a minute.
You'll find updates in Section 12, Data Processing, and in the Data Transfer Addendum. In the meantime, here are some basic ways you can work toward complying with our policies:
If you have any trouble with the above link, reach out to your local support team.
We thank you for joining us in our commitment to the privacy of our players.