Jul 1, 2015 — Prerelease

Promote Your Prerelease with This Free Video Trailer!

Get a professional-quality video trailer made by Wizards and customize it with your store's information!

Jul 1, 2015 — Prerelease

Promote Your Prerelease with This Free Video Trailer!

Get a professional-quality video trailer made by Wizards and customize it with your store's information!

For Magic Origins Prerelease, we've provided a professional-quality, customizable video you can use to promote your event.

Here's what it looks like:

Look okay?

Here's how you do it:

1. Go here and download the video file.

2. Import it into a video editing software. PC users might use Adobe After Effects or Photoshop, Camtasia, or Windows Movie Maker (available as a free download here on Microsoft's website). Mac users can use iMovie.

3. Enter your event information (dates, start times, prize support, etc.) into the blank area at :10.

4. Save the edited video.

5. Run it in your store or post the video on your website or social media in the weeks running up to Prerelease!

How'd your video turn out? Show us at WPNStories@wizards.com!

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