Mar 3, 2017

Week 1 Conversation: Getting Started

Your first week's conversation aims to bring you up to speed on the basics and understand the Wizards Play Network website and the Wizards Event Reporter program.

Mar 3, 2017

Week 1 Conversation: Getting Started

Your first week's conversation aims to bring you up to speed on the basics and understand the Wizards Play Network website and the Wizards Event Reporter program.

Your first week's conversation aims to bring you up to speed on the basics and understand the Wizards Play Network website and the Wizards Event Reporter program.

Here's an overview of what you discussed with retail development, with links to help you explore more on each topic.

Don’t Share Your Wizards Account and Password

Always use your Wizards Account to log into Wizards Event Reporter. Do not share your login ID or password with anyone else.

Your staff and tournament organizers should log into the program with their own Wizards Account login and password. Instruct them to update to a Wizards Account, if they haven't already, then have them linked to the store's account, with your approval, here.

Help New Players Set Up DCI Numbers

Direct new players to create a DCI number on our mobile-friendly website.

Use our flyers to help players through the setup steps. When you can, always personally walk each player through the process.

Order temporary paper DCI cards in Wizards Event Reporter (WER) up to twice a month.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere with Daily Play

Daily play in your store creates a welcoming atmosphere for all levels of players, building a community, and growing your business.

Use the Wizards Event Reporter to record all Magic and D&D Adventure's League events, with two or more players, that happen in the shop. Use the "Casual Magic" option for events with rounds, such as Drafts or Standard events. For multiplayer or open-ended play, the "Magic Casual Multi-player" should be selected.

If you need a reminder, here's a helpful walkthrough on how to schedule events:

And here's how to run and report your events using the Wizards Event Reporter:

Check the WPN Website Regularly

Continue to explore this website, as it will be a key resource for your store moving forward in Orientation and beyond. Read up on upcoming products and events.

Discover a range of Marketing Materials to help promote your events and store.

Monday through Wednesday, find new WPN Articles for event ideas, product news, and tips from other successful WPN stores.

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