Apr 7, 2022 — Streets of New Capenna

Where to Find Streets of New Capenna Set Showcase Treatments

Preview all the stunning showcase treatments in Streets of New Capenna and guide customers to the best boosters to buy.

Apr 7, 2022 — Streets of New Capenna

Where to Find Streets of New Capenna Set Showcase Treatments

Preview all the stunning showcase treatments in Streets of New Capenna and guide customers to the best boosters to buy.

The golden age kicks off with the Streets of New Capenna set release on April 29. New Capenna is a city of grit and glamor, boasting a golden age rife with opportunity—so it is only fitting that each showcase treatment is as rich and gilded as the set itself.

No matter what sort of collection your customers are building, it's important for you to know exactly where to find each of these Streets of New Capenna showcase treatments. Below, we'll break down where your customers can find each one so you know exactly where to guide their attention when they arrive at your store.

Regional Box Topper: Gala Greeters

For the first time, every Magic: The Gathering language will receive Box Toppers with unique art designed to suit each region's golden age.

Customers can pick up these gorgeous Box Toppers with purchase of the following:

  • Set Booster Displays

  • Draft Booster Displays

  • Collector Booster Displays

The card will always be Gala Greeters, but the art and language of the card will match the language of the display purchased. Be sure to encourage your customers to pick up a full display of boosters so they don't miss out on this opportunity.

Metropolis Lands (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

We showed off some of the Metropolis Lands in our Retail Guide, but today we'll show off all ten. Both traditional foil and nonfoil versions of these picturesque cityscapes can be found in Set and Draft Boosters. Plus, each Collector Booster contains one traditional foil Metropolis land.

Golden Age (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

To amplify the glamour factor of the set, we introduced an art-deco inspired Golden Age treatment. Each of the five family leaders are showcased in this style. Both traditional foil and nonfoil versions of Golden Age cards can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters.

Gilded Cards (Set and Collector Boosters)

This treatment features a stunning golden-embossed frame atop traditional foil cards that bring the riches to your players' decks. All 45 Golden Age cards have a corresponding Gilded version that can be found in Set and Collector Boosters.

Gilded cards will always be in English but can be found in Set and Collector Boosters of any language.

Art Deco (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

Art Deco cards can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and nonfoil.

Foil Etching (Collector Booster Exclusive)

Found exclusively in Collector Boosters.

Skyscrapers (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

The family leaders in New Capenna live in opulence—and want your players to know it. The ten nonbasic lands showing off their hideouts appear in the dazzling Skyscraper treatment, and can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and nonfoil.

Borderless Alt-Art Cards (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

Borderless alternate-art cards are familiar to all Magic collectors—they make an appearance in every set, and Streets of New Capenna is no exception. These cards can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and nonfoil.

Phyrexian (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

Another Phyrexian card joins the fray for Streets of New Capenna: Urabas, Heretic Praetor. Phyrexian Urabask can appear in Phyrexian with the Phyrexian frame regardless of the language of the pack you open him in. He will also appear as regular art.

Phyrexian Urabask can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and nonfoil.

Extended-Art Cards (Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters)

Every rare and mythic rare card in Streets of New Capenna that does not appear in any of the above showcase treatments can be found as an extended-art card.

Recap: Treatments and Boosters

To review, here's a breakdown of all the booster fun coming in Streets of New Capenna:

Set Boosters

Draft Boosters

Collector Boosters

Garnering excitement around each showcase treatment is even easier during events, where players can share their excitement with friends in the community. Make sure you're scheduling your events in Wizards EventLink and using the marketing materials at your disposal to invite your community to the party.

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